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Nigella or Delia


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Today's Telegraph had a feature I would like share with you all as it has shedly properties 😬


It's about todays burning issues so I throw the forum open for views on:


Nigella or Delia πŸ€”

Jaffa: cake or biscuit πŸ€”

Batman or Spiderman πŸ€”

Strawberries or raspberries πŸ€”

Duvet or sheets πŸ€”

Prosche or Ferrari πŸ€” (Sorry, pedal cars aren't an option even though they're the best cars on the planet *smile*)

Cheese 'n Onion or Salt 'n vinegar πŸ€”

and finally........

Escalators: stand or walk πŸ€”


Discuss ❗

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Hmmm, well I have been considering my options whilst jammed up against some total stranger in the tube and have to disagree on several counts


Delia - Nigella is far too smug

Jaffa is a cake - you can't dunk it, ergo not a biscuit

*thumbup* Batman

Raspberries taste lovely BUT the pips are the devils own work so Strawberries probably win

*thumbup* Duvet


Cheese n onion (S 'n V crisps make my eyes water 😳)

Walk on the underground, stand in shopping centres

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I Nigella


Comicbook Batman, very dark and moody

Strawberries, but only in english season




Walk fast, elbowing slower people out the way whilst muttering "what makes you think I have all xxxing day"



The birth of the Gixxerham : pics here drivel here


Edited by - Noger on 16 Nov 2004 08:56:21

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Can't agree on the crisps Dave. Cheese & Onion are the only flavour to go for...........just sublime.


And whilst on this subject, why oh why can't Walkers understand that cheese & onion crisps come in green coloured packs ❗ Not blue, that is reserved for the lesser salt & vinegar variety.........always was, always will be or should be anyhow *mad*


When I'm in need of a quick cheese & onion fix, I don't want to be messing about checking the contents. I just want to run by and grab the traditionally colour coded green pack, tear it open and revel in the luxuriant perfume of ..........cheese & onion, not the 'in yer face' salt & flaming vinegar AAAaaarrrggghhh


Oh and Batman rules, as do duvets *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*




2.3 DURATEC SV. Gad these things are expensive ❗


Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 16 Nov 2004 09:07:36

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In answer to the remaining questions:


Delia for recipe books, Nigella for eye candy.

Batman. *KER-POW!*

Raspberries *tongue*


Porsche. 911GT3, please, though a plain Carrera will do fine. Or a 911RS. Or a 993. Or a 964 RS. I'm not too fussy.

Salt and Vinegar, but only with beer. Ready Salted for plain eating.

WALK for God's sake! You don't stand about on staircases do you? Why should escalators be any different?

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For the remainder:-


Agree with Meldrew, Nigella for eye candy and Delia for homely cook books



Stand on escalators (you don't havs a dog and bark yourself)

Biscuits for dunking, Jaffas for pigging out.




2.3 DURATEC SV. Gad these things are expensive ❗


Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 16 Nov 2004 09:05:20

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"jammed up against some total stranger"


And they provide services like that within the cost of the ticket ???, it's no wonder that the train services are so poor. I'm going to write to Ken and complain that's he's providing sexual gratification for these so called "total strangers" from Londoners taxes



Supercheese R250


Caterham pictures here 😬

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Delia is OK pre 1985, when she stuck to good old fashioned things. Anything after that is an abomination. Her "authentic" ragu is anything but, and trying to make something chinese by waving a spring onion at it is why we Brits have such a poor reputaion for cooking. 20 minute "Cheats" versions of things that take a long time are always πŸ™†πŸ»


Her sticky toffee puddings are *thumbup* though.


How do we stand on the new Walkers "sensations" crisps ?


The birth of the Gixxerham : pics here drivel here

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You mean Delia has done anything since 1985? Oh.


Wouldn't rely on either of them to cook anything Chinese, anyway, and I agree that Delia's ragu is πŸ™†πŸ». Add to that the desire to cook risotto as though it were a rice pudding.


I just wouldn't want Nigella distracted by faffing around in the kitchen.

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Well, you learn a thing a day.


That's my quota filled quote early on and I can now go back to walking about with my head up my πŸ™†πŸ».


Suffocated risotto doesn't sound too good, though. What next? Strangled lasagne? Asphyxiated canelloni?

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Nigella or Delia

Jaffa: cake or biscuit

Batman or Spiderman who cares

Strawberries or raspberries

Duvet or sheets

Prosche or Ferrari (Sorry, pedal cars aren't an option even though they're the best cars on the planet)

Cheese 'n Onion or Salt 'n vinegar

and finally........

Escalators: stand or walk depends on how lazy I feel.....if its a travelator then definitely walk



Simon Bell - Caterham 7 Duratec R

I`ve seen the future.....and it`s powered by duratec Check out the website here

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It has to be Delia, especially for the grounding in basic recipes.

Delberta and I cooked the Classic Victoria sponge that she has asked me to share with you all.


I think you will find that is moist and tasty *thumbup*


Obviously Batman as he has dealt with his sexuallity, apparently, alledgeedly, well its rumored 😬


And (for those that know my racing snake phisieque) I RUN up escalators. 😬


Cheese and Onion EVIL


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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I have to disagree Meldrew. Delia's risotto is great, particularly if you have friends round, and don't want to be the one stuck in the kitchen ladeling stock onto the arborio...




Delia (Nigella should stick to what she's best at - soft porn *eek*)

Jaffa cakes - who cares?

Strawberries AND raspberries please

Duvet if I'm making the bed, Irish linen sheets if it's someone else 😬

1963 Porsche (or Ferrari)

Salt 'n Vinegar (those hand cooked ones with Balsamic - mmmmm *tongue*)

Stand (particularly if I'm in high heels)



Carbonette - patches that make it easy to say NO to carbon fibre

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Dear IT department please invoice Mrs GTD for new keyboard after Nigella slur 😬...on second thoughts don't as they will only take it out of my chimmney sweeping pay...if they actually paid me.


Nigella every time - (Alex do tell) - The Food channel had a whole day of Nigella on Father's Day - now that's a TV exec who understands his market.


Jaffa is a cake - but I would rather eat my own leg


I spent my childhood wanting to be Spiderman - unfortunately I never found a radioactive spider to bite me.


Raspberries - only because it's the name of a childish noise


Duvet - King Size


I think I'd have to have a Ferrari - although the Boxer is V-nice


Cheese and Onion


Escalators are the devils work and are hauled by slave gangs of pixies using magic. What other explanantion could there be for stairs that move and fold. My party trick in my mountain marathon days was to run up the stairs now in my twix and maraton days I prefer to stand and wheeze and allow the pixies to do the work.



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Gotta be Batman not least because he drives an outrageous car 😬


And Adam West now works for a company in Southampton buying ducting from me. 😬 Well I assume it must be the same person who played Batman although I have to admit he has lost his camp American accent and has shrunk by about 18" and lost a few stone in weight and obviously had cosmetic surgery as he looks 40 years younger and totally different features.


Apart from that he's the image of him *tongue*




2.3 DURATEC SV. Gad these things are expensive ❗


Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 16 Nov 2004 10:16:19

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I didn't realise that about pixies, Boonie. That would explain why there are so few of them around these days.


Noger - I didn't realise that about Strozzapretti. Dangerous stuff, Italian food. I suppose that goes alongside that Turkish dish named after a feinting imam.


I do like Saltimbocca = "jumps into the mouth". 😬 Dolcelatte "sweet milk" is nice, too.

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