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Starting Problems


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I have a 1400SS which up until yesterday was running like a dream. As I tried to start up the car in the petrol station, there was no sign of life at all when I turned the key. Checked the immobiliser and that seemed fine, but again, the damned thing wouldn't start. Checked under bonnet, adjusted battery connections and hey presto it started.


Back home, exactly the same thing happened but this time even after checking the connections, it wouldn't start. But having left it for 5 mins, it did. What on earth is going on?



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Classic symptom of a 'Vecta' going cranky.We had another 1400 SS owner with your exact problem. Sometimes it went no probs; other times it didn't want to know! Best bet is to get it taken out ('Vecta' is not made/imported anymore) and have the connectors re made. Not a nice job, but better than the alternative!!!


(It 'cured' the 1400 SS straight away!)

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I had a similar experience in France last week - At the first petrol station we stopped at the car would'nt start, which was traced to a blown ECU fuse. At the second stop it would'nt start again so I checked the fuse, which was OK, and the car started. Since then the car has been fine.




I think I've asked this before but where is the Vecta unit & what does it look like?





Edited by - Allen Payne on 4 Aug 2001 17:08:32

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Another possibility is the starter motor (Allen jinxed mine at exactly the same petrol station). I was more used to the starter not cranking properly rather than absolutely bugger all happening, but Jason Krebs (thanks Jason) soon saw me right with a loose starter wire.


So a good (cheap) bet is to check all your fuses and all your connections (battery and starter motor).


My Vecta's not caused any issues thus far. Which is, of course, asking for big trouble with it in the very near future!

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Just in case anyone looks back at this post in the future, I trace the problem to be a loose solenoid on the starter motor. It just looks like a nut that appears to be a bit knackered, but if you tighten it up, the car starts without a problem.


Thanks for all help

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My 1400SS had the "thingy" that cuts the engine out if you have a shunt into the pasenger compartment. so that it could be reset durinf racing. The connections which sat under the ecu had corroded and cause a similar problem


How dead is dead ? No spark ? No petrol ? (this was the giveaway on the above) No cranking ? (imobilser problem , at least on mine until that failed )


Lets us know how it goes

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