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Anti hunt agitprop


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Driving Mrs GTD into Brighton this morning, amidst a constant stream of inbound Police cars, vans, motorbikes and horse transporters. So we were rather surprised to see a fox run across the road in front of us! *confused*


Can only assume it to be some kind of agitator infiltrating the protests with a view to stirring up trouble and discrediting the Countryside people!




G 4 Geoff

Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad

619 GTD here

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Driving out of Brighton...OMG *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* POLICE everywhere *arrowdown* *arrowdown*

Also saw on way up to Crawley, Big Lifeboat type dinghy thing with HUUUGE pro hunting banner along the side....methinks there's gonna be a flotilla out to sea today


Personally, I'm looking forward to all those fat cats going home *mad* *mad*


Dannyboy - 95,000 miles and rising *tongue*

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Had to smile at the Mini Metro parked outside the TA Barracks with the hazard lights on the Dyke Road with 2 Police people scrutinising it - some granny about to get a good going over I guess!


G 4 Geoff

Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad

619 GTD here

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Last time we were in the Lake District we passed a hunt. The riders and hounds were well up on the fells with the hunt followers blocking most of the roads. What was funny was seeing the fox high tail it across the road in front of our car - travelling in the opposite direction to the hunt. Mrs B demanded we stop and let the creature in but I had to tell her that Boonie Hound, who was in the back, might not be so happy. 😬
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Just overheard in the supermarket, "there are two hundred fox hounds running loose on the beach". Nice for whoever gets the job of clearing up *wink*


On a more sombre note, I also heard that a dead horse had been dumped in the middle of town. Whatever your politics, how can that help?



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More cheerfully - from BBC news!!




This is the winner by a country mile - the Labour party steward who banned the League Against Cruel Sports from selling, or even giving away, their fox glove puppets.



The "provocative" puppet

According to the steward, people might take them out into the street and start waving them at the Countryside Alliance protesters besieging the conference.


This, he claimed, would be provocative and risk inflaming the already-sensitive situation.


So Basil was barred under threat of being thrown out of the conference centre - presumably onto the streets and into the arms of the waiting pro-hunting demonstrators.


Leaving aside the fact that anyone who tried taunting the hunters with a glove puppet would risk getting their hands torn off by bloodthirsty hounds, this spectacular piece of "I'm only following orders" nonsense succeeded in winning the League the sort of publicity money can't buy.



G 4 Geoff

Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad

619 GTD here

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I expect the horse was still alive when it arrived in Brighton so it could have walked passed any policement without raising too much suspicion. Then it was bumped off, much easier than transporting a dead horse ☹️ *mad*


Boonie, some of the Hunts in the lake district have been accused of breeding foxes so that they can hunt them


Some details from the League Against Cruel Sports website


"More recently, in a damning indictment of the country's mountain based foxhunts, a widespread programme of artificial fox breeding and feeding was unearthed within the territories of several Lake District hunts - including the prestigious Blencathra Fox Hounds based at Keswick. Man made breeding and feeding sites containing artificial earths (fox homes typically consisting of pipes sunken into the ground connected to a central brick built chamber), stick piles (temporary lying up area for foxes), and/or animal carcasses dumped as potential food for foxes were located on land regularly used by mountain foxhunting packs - dramatically exposing claims that hunting is about pest control. "


Supercheese R250

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I'm at the Hove end of Brighton, quite a way from The Brighton Centre where it's all happening, and I keep hearing sirens.


If they did kill a horse then they're not the 'animal loving, salt-of-the-earth types they claim, although I suspect it was already dead. Not too difficult to get a dead horse in the back of a large van?


Does anyone have any idea why they'd want to dump dead cows? I can understand (although I'm not saying I necessarily agree with) the argument that horses might have to be destroyed if they aren't used for hunting, but for pity's sake why cows? When was the last time you saw someone in pink chasing a fox, riding on the back of a cow...?



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Hove end of Brighton


Hove-Actually ?


I would suggest the dumping of the cows is pointing out the usual hypocrisy in these debates. Yes, chasing foxes about is probably not such a pleasant thing to do. But the same people who go yaa-boo-hiss to the "toffs" never stop to think where the meat for that burger came from, or how those poor chickens that make their kid's McNuggets got treated in Thailand or wherever. Is living your entire life with a few square centimeters of space only then to be grabbed by the feet and dragged upside down around a factory before a machine rips you head off really better way of life than poor Mr Foxy. Or a veal calf that lives its entire life in a crate in the dark. Or the donkey that the Spaniards throw annually off a bell tower. Or bull fighting - slowly injuring the animal over a long period of time, making it suffer. Or force feeding geese to make Foie Gras (yum). Or keeping a load of fish in a small pond and repeatedly sticking a sharp object in their mouths and hauling them up. Or worse still dredging up the last few remaining cod in the North Atlantic then leaving them on deck to drown in air - just to make some brat's fish-fingers 'cos they don't eat any other fish than cod.


Yes, lets be nice to animals, but can't see why these people single out the fox, mangy and fairly unpleasant creatures that will happily kill 200 chickens just for a laugh, for specially nice treatment. And then go home to factory farmed egg and chips. "Barn Layed" my 🙆🏻


The birth of the Gixxerham : pics here drivel here

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I really thought you would leave these views of yours "upstairs".As I do. I know I will not change your mind as you will not change mine

I am trying really hard not to argue back but your Anti cruel sports "facts" are actually devoid of any truth

Thought this was supposed to be a place of fun, Are you trying to antagonise?




When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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