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6 speed gearbox refresh - who?


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Any recommendations as to where to take my Caterham 6 speed box for a check-up/refresh. I'm stripping the car over the winter and while the gearbox is out it makes sense to get it looked at.

I'd prefer somewhere reasonably local (I'm in Slough) but will travel to get a good job done.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Cheers - perhaps you could drop it in there on your way back from helping me get it out of the car *tongue*.

Big stripdown starts a week on Friday *eek*. I'll be at Penn on Saturday for the car's last outing of the year.



Yellow SL *cool* #32

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I started a thread about this very topic about 4 or 5 weeks back and came to the conclusion that NO-ONE knows the 6-speed box like Phil Stewart at Road & Race does.


You need to have an idea what it is you want doing to it. I told Phil that as it was the first and only opportunity I've had to get the box out of the car in 25K miles I wanted it serviced and any upgrades applied to it, up to my ceiling price of £500.


Phil asked me to remove the lid at the front of the box (sealed by an O-ring, so easily replaced) and check to see whether I had an oil drilling (hole) between the teeth on the gear 2nd from the front of the box. I didn't. The hole was to the side of the teeth. This meant that I at least had one of the uprated cogs in my box.


Upon my delivery of the box to him, we had a quick look inside and established that it didn't have any of the other upgraded cogs, nor did it have the uprated selector fork. Phil showed me selector forks out of some other people's gearboxes. They were bent/twisted. Phil explained that the new fork was substantially thicker to prevent that but added that my fork was in 100% pristine condition and that he thought he'd be robbing me if he recommended changing it.


And this is the nub... Phil can apply around £1000 of upgrades if you want them all but he is honest and will only recommend those that are truly needed. I explained that I already put over 200bhp through mine and that I was hoping for a substantial increase with my current engine-plan, but he was kind enough to suggest that my driving style was mechanically sympathetic enough not to require more work than the replacement of worn baulk rings and a complete strip, clean and rebuild.


I did have the new breather plate fitted which allows you to attach a pipe to the top of the box and run it up inside the engine bay. This stops the box from chucking oil all over itself in normal operation, but still allows for proper breathing.


I'm not telling you how much I paid, but I started off with £500 in my pocket and went home with quite a lot more of of it than I had expected.


Nice bloke too.


Edited by - V7 SLR on 23 Sep 2004 17:41:06

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Thanks for that comprehensive reply - just what I needed. I'm in a similar position in that this is the first time I will have had the gearbox out and it too is somewhere between 25k and 30k miles. My engine is only a 135bhp supersport but I do use the car on track and cannot claim to be hugely mechanically sympathetic although I do try 😳. Recently, gearchanges have been a little stiffer than they used to be so I think that a strip down and rebuild would be a good idea.

Are there any "must have" upgrades or will I be best just having any worn bits replaced? I will give Phil a call - I guess once I have the gearbox out.




Yellow SL *cool* #32

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