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it ALMOST works..


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just fired up the engine for the 1st time with the whizzy new apollo tank...

after 15 seconds of no oil pressurw we had 4 bars... nice.


stopped engine after 30 seconds the looked for leaks..

nothing serious, but seems to be a little coming from newly drilled hole in cam cover.

re-started engine. now smoke coming from oil dribbling out of cam cover.




its all cooling down now and I@ll then have to take the cam cover off again and see what I can do to fix it.



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it runs...

but its still dribbling oil from one of the unions down by the sandwich plate. I thought I'd done them up FT, but obviously not!


I'm done for the day though. I'll have to drain the oil and take the sandwich plate off (again!) on friday evening/sat morning and try doing the oil unions up even tighter.

At least I'm making some progress... albeit slowly!


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You can tighten the unions with the sandwich plate still in place!! I managed it, just.....with bleeding knuckles.....and lots of swearing........


Hmm yeah, remove the sandwich plate!! Much easier..Difficult bit I found was getting the angle of the oil pipes correct and feeding them behind the alternator....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Dannyboy - 95,000 miles and rising *tongue*

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I've tried that Steve... the sandwich plate and filter are sealing properly now.

Its the 90 degree joints that come out of the top of the sandwich plate that are leaking. I think the leak is at the pipe end.


Nothing for it but to take it all out and tighten up EVEN tighter on the workbench and re-install it with fingers crossed. *thumbup* *thumbup*

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15 seconds of no oil pressure


...it can take scarily long for the OP to come up from a completely drained engine - especially if you've not got a SPA (you can see the OP rise from zero rather than waiting for it to make it into the 'visible' range of a conventional needle-dial).


One word of caution, though Neil - be fastiduous with regards to cleaning the cam-ladder gasket and all mating faces. It's easy to overlook this when you are whipping bits on and off chasing some other problem.


When I took mine off first of all, I let a bit of crud get in between the gasket and the cam-ladder (mainly because I didn't fully remove the cam-ladder casting, I just lifted it a bit, had a peer-in and then let it back down.


Net result (other than a trashed gasket) was that one of the spark-plug wells filled up with oil... *That* didn't help matters much - and I only tracked it down while trying to investigate high oil useage...




Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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...it can take scarily long for the OP to come up from a completely drained engine - especially if you've not got a SPA (you can see the OP rise from zero rather than waiting for it to make it into the 'visible' range of a conventional needle-dial).

indeed, but I wouldn't do that with the engine running. cranking it on the starter first to prime the oil system until you see some pressure is far more sane. fifteen seconds is alot of time to be running the cams and bearings even at idle speeds on little oil IMO. better safe than sorry in my book. count to fifteen...






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No, 15 secs cranking with absolutely no OP does sound quite a long time - ISTR doing it in short bursts -but not bothering to disconnect HT leads etc. in order to prime with no spark.


I don't believe it would be completely dry for anything like that length of time though...


...worth playing safe, of course, I suppose...


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Actually, I *was* talking about starting... Kill it before it properly catches though...


Someone (Mr. Locust) just sent me .pdf manuals from the Elise -and pointed out that cranking an EU3 engine (i.e. wasted-spark, coils

in the leads) engine without the HT leads being properly grounded - can burn the coil packs out...


Sooo, I'd be wary about cranking on its own...



Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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quick update as I know you are all SOOOO interested.


Got back from working week to find that SeVen had NOT leaked all her vital fluids over the garage floor. Started her up and the dribble of oil from sandwich plate area was very small.


BUT, I'm a perfectionist.. (yeah right.. you should see my project plans! ha, plans, my ar8e, anyway)... so I've drained her. ripped her plates off. yeah baby.


THen took 16 stone and a selection of 12 to 18" long tools to the joints on the sandwich plate. A little bit of ptfe was put in as well... if that hasn't sealed it I don't know what will!!


all back together. New oil filter bought, as other one is a bit crushed after going on and off a few times. More oil bought, as felt previous £30 of Halfruads finest had got a little too comtaminated with all the ins and outs.


So, up early tomorrw. Install filter. Install sump plug. Fill her up, and fire her up and pray for no leaks.


Then take cute nurse for 150 mile blat to south coast and back.... 😬 *thumbup* *cool* 😬



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And there will b no mention of Nurses uniforms on this Blat will there.....


Listen to your elders for they have suffered so that you can learn


(Delbert paragraph 3 book of Nightingale)


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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