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My local council have alway had a problem with roadside rubbish bins.


They tried sturdy plastic ones with a metal lift out liner for emptying, these were fixed down to a paving slab, well they were until the local chavs found that 2 people could lift the bin (and slab). Oh what fun they had placing them in the middle of the road. The chavs went one better when they discovered that the sturdy plastic could be encouraged to burn, aahh the aroma.


So the council have now introduced hundres of new bins with recycling capabilities i.e. 1 hole for general rubbish and another for cans. At the other end they have a ciggie stubbing place and another dodgy looking opening for chewing gum with a little sign that says "Gum"


Well it did say gum but on loads of them someone has either scratched off enough of the G or even more enterprisingly has painted over it to make it into a C.


Well it made me laugh (but then it would, wouldn't it?) *tongue*


Supercheese R250

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Delightful area Paul?


All these posh bins, what is the world coming too?


We have a black one for general, and a blue one for paper, and wo betide anyone who puts the wrong stuff in the wrong one.

Next plan is Green ones for garden rubbish, and yellow for glass or something like that. Soon, I'll be needing a bigger garden just to store the rubbish bins, because the other bins are not small *mad*

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At least your council is forward thinking......


We recyle as much as possible but we have to cart it all to the local amenity facility (6 miles away) to do so.

They have given us a paper bin but only for the right sort of paper......


Simon Bell - Caterham 7 Duratec R

I`ve seen the future.....and it`s powered by duratec

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[rant mode]

"We recyle as much as possible but we have to cart it all to the local amenity facility (6 miles away) to do so"


please tell me your not making a special trip to do this...


If you really look into recycling, other than give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, the overall 'good' effect to the environment is slim. If you have to make any distance special trip in your car to drop the recycled material off than you have done nothing to help, and in fact probably created more pollution through your 'good' deed.

Plus if you think about all the extra bins being made, and extra collection trips by council and all the extra facilities to manage the recyling the net effect becomes very close to zero, or easily flips the other way.

Obviously there are some things that need to be disposed of properly (eg used oil) or where the recycling benefit is big (ie re-using glass bottles after a simple wash) but for things like paper it just isn't worth it.

Your doing the planet more harm than good by trying...


[rant mode off]


😬on a lighter front (this is the sheds!) all cucumbers should be recycled and delivered to The Spandex Warrior for him to enjoy... 😬

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Sheffield has a very large incinerator, into which an amount of household rubbish goes. This in turn is burnt, and the heat used to heat water, which is then fed to heat the local council houses/flats. An idea which in theory is great, and enviromentally sound.


The reality is that allegedly the waste gases aren't great. I don't have a problem with it, and my office is approx 1/4 mile away.


As usual there is the typical enviromental issues and protests (here0 and the usual government waffle here for any of you who are interested.



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