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Moves afoot at work at the mo (very busy 😳)



One requirement of me is to create a CV!


Been in this job since the year dot!


Working on it now (well not right now, cos I'm here 😬) and it's doing ma heed in!!!


What the hell is a CV anyhow 🤔 *confused* *tongue*



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my company where i work was bought by an American company yesterday 😳 it appears to be quite a good thing from my opinion. they're leaving our company intact which is a very good thing.


ross, there's better companies out there


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 USA 2005: How the West Was Driven

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[silly mode]

yeah send it to me too!! i'm always up for a laugh!! 😬 😬

[/silly mode]


GTD is probably the almighty CV guru, what with being a contractor (where your CV is your life!) and all that HR experience (though what gossiping and throwing darts into a list of numbers to decide peoples pay rises has to do with CVs I don't quite know! *tongue* *confused* 😬)


DON'T send it to Davis.

He will just run his anagram generator on it and post it all over the interweb!! *eek* *cool*

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You can borrow mine if you like...


...I'll be needing new employment in a couple of months when this contract runs out... (note to self, yes, the agency *did* call you today to remind you to sign the damned document - despite having been onsite for over a month... 😳)


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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