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Self Cancelling indicators


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I was trying to source two time delay relays earlier in the year to make some push button self cancelling indicators. Failed to find any below £50 each so gave up.


Just seen a post by Bob Simon from the US with a link here Signal Dynamics have the exact spec I would have designed myself. I've ordered one and will post if it does what it says. Should I have known about this?


norman verona

1989 BDR 220bhp

Mem No 2166

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I can't be satisfied enough with my indicator module.


Replace the old indicator switch with a good quality momentary style. I put spades on the module's wires that plug into the spade recepticals on the car's harness. IIRC...I think you have to snip one wire (or maybe jumper it) someplace in the wiring harness to make this thing work. It has something to do with the keeping the haz switch functioning.


The module has a built in hazard function if you use two push buttons instead of a toggle switch. I don't know if this setup would be MOT/DOT legal though.


I have an altered harness drawing that would apply to cars with the modular 4 position relay/fuzebox mounted to the firewall above the passengers knees. I think this would cover your '89. I'll put it on a web site and post a message tomorrow.








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Norman I have s/c indicators fitted to my car car, give me a call or call 'round and have a look.




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Dave, didn't know that you had them. I'll see you on Wednesday.


Ordered unit from states, got an email back within minutes informing me that they had UK dealers. Looked on a couple of the UK dealers sites and couldn't find what I wanted so emailed back to states confirming order and extra carriage.


Thought it nice of him to suggest I get it from UK.


norman verona

1989 BDR 220bhp

Mem No 2166

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Does someone have the RS/Maplin/Farnell part numbers for the momentry switches we're talking about here, especially for a steering wheel mounted solution - like this here


Also, is there a mount available for the bottons, for behind the steering wheel or have people just made their own?


Caterham have a car with these fitted AFAIK - are these widely available yet?




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Hello Norman, it's a bit late as you have already ordered yours and I'm not sure I should mention this here, but W*******D ( 😳 ) sell a self cancelling indicator, although the exact working are not clear from the website. The rocker switch it uses could easily be changed to a toggle switch.

Anyway the link below will take you there. *smile*





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just build a flasher unit for my motor cycle using a PICmicrocontroller. Very useful little thing and you can program everything you like. In fact also just finished a home made shift light using a PIC.


Which functions would one need to use it as a self cancelling switch? Pushbuttons to operate? Real self cancelling mechanism depending on steering angle or just a timer?


If you give some feedback, I might come up with a simple design. Parts usually cost less than 10 Euros...






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Hi all,


As you can see from my web site I have my own dash design. All the important (and some not so impotant) switches are within reach without removing my hands from s/wheel. I'm planning to put the momentry switches to the left & right (small button switches from Vehicle Wiring Products) of the s/wheel which puts them in finger reach. I had wired up for this and used interior light timed relays to power indicators for 10 seconds. This didn't work as for some reason the relays wouldn't work wired to indicators. I searched for timer relays that would work and the only ones I could find were fully programmable and cost £50 each. As I hardly use indicators the cost wasn't justified. When the new unit arrives I will wire in to momentary switches on dash and put some pictures on web site.


Thanks for advice. The steering wheel switches are nice but I prefer the dash mounts.


norman verona

1989 BDR 220bhp

Mem No 2166

the full story here

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