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Well, I must say - at first I was incensed - but that quickly turned to absolute delight!


A number of shedders will know that I am a cat person - so when I realised that the new pack of Andrex I'd just bought had images of puppies imprinted on it, I was extremely annoyed...


...until I realised that I what I would be doing to those puppies 😬 *cool* *wink* *biggrin* *smile* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Now I'm outraged , does a rival company print Kittens or shall I use the ones that are continually using my front garden for a similar function,



How far will 9 of the little darlings go?



Will I scrunch or fold?


Will the be recycleable?



Questions , Questions


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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Just had e-mail from "Headmaster" apparently he is aware that I've subbed out my monthly reports..



Not a happy Bunny, apparently he noticed that May and Junes reports were the same ones....


So I'll be here all afternoon now *mad*


Shouldn't have left it to last minute


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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I image if you tried to wipe your 🙆🏻 with a kitten that you'd have a lot of explaining to do at A&E 😳


Triage nurse "so Mr Delbert how did you get such a lacerated ring-piece"

Delbert "they don't make bog roll with pictures of kittens so I used a real kitten, ooouch ooccchh"

Triage nurse presses a button under the counter and a bell sounds in the psyciatric ward, 2 burly men leap towards A&E with a nice special jacket that has straps up the back


The rest is history ....................



Supercheese R250


Edited by - Paul Davis on 8 Aug 2004 12:54:01

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