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Money tree


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Looking for a rapidly growing specimen that will take easily after transplanting.

Preferrably one that fruits throughout the year but may accept a winter fruiting variety if it's likely to bare fruit this November/December.


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Oh sorry Nifty, if it was a golden egg laying goose you were after I could have helped - but I am right out of money trees! I haven't seen anyone wanting a golden egg laying goose recently so it is now plucked and stuffed ready for dinner tomorrow *thumbup*


Roadsport build photo's here

Le Mans 2004 photo's here


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You're in a strong position there.

Being in agriculture I'm well aware that nothings doing well so you may be on to a winner *thumbup*




If someone has a surplus after harvesting their moneytree I could swap for some old rope *thumbup* *thumbup*


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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I have recently found out my position is even stronger than that Nifty.


I have been repeatedly told that I am a nobody in some peoples eyes. I originally took this a quite an insult until I remembered what me old mum used to tell me.


"Nobody's perfect" 😬 *thumbup*


A slowly increasing number of photos here plus a shameless link to my company as I cannot do it on here

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OK so I can't compete with batteredoldsupersport there. Not that I am in a position to comment on them personally never having met them but I have never been told that there can only be one of me in the world.


A slowly increasing number of photos here plus a shameless link to my company as I cannot do it on here

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Nifty, I may have a business proposal


Sorry no money tree but I am about to set up business with my magic porridge cooking pot. The last owner had an unfortunate incident after forgetting the magic words of stop little pot, stop. Anyway he's not allowed back to the porridge flooded village and I bought the pot off him. I'm thinking about setting up a road side breakfast bar but looking for investors or staff - a good memory of magic words is essential. Interested?

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