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Roger King Engined Se7en ** SOLD**


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Sadly selling my 7. Full details and pics can be found at:




Price reduced to £9,495..... Not bad for a car that has recepits for over £38K


Edited by - finmac on 13 Aug 2004 08:00:21


Edited by - finmac on 25 Aug 2004 21:43:58

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Oh no


Such a wonderful machine...don't do it Finlay 😳 *thumbdown* *thumbdown* *thumbdown*


On a serious note this is one hell of a car and a true bargain.

Shamed Alex's brand new R300 when we met up on the Great Carrotland Tour of Scootland last year.

(Though the local traffic warden seemed to have an aversion to it 😳).


To any prospective buyer - get yourself up to Ullapool and let Finlay take you for a spin around the local roads..paradise *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* 😬 😬 😬



Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬


Edited by - Nifty on 5 Aug 2004 20:22:37

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Nifty's right dont do it you WILL regret it !!!!


Great car well worth a look, not sure about top speed as I seem to remember us being held up by a certain 1.4 K !! (almost as wide as a tractor)


Finlay we will be doing the scottish tour again this sept, Ill post a couple of routes near the time...


hope you can join us for another excellent blast


Kind regards




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Cheers Nifty!


That really was a class Blat, remembered with much fondness and smiles every time I am in Ullapool and see your old mate the traffic warden!!


Afraid the ever present rain up here is forcing me to get something more practical. Will be really sorry to see the se7en go though, probably the most frustrating part of selling it is knowing how hard (not to mention expensive) it will be to replace it with something as fast, reliable and well sorted.


All the best Finlay

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Howdy Finlay. selling the old boy!!.


I see you didn't take my advice and not spend any more money on her, looks nice though. *cool*


I can backup Finalys claims being the said previous owner who lavished a fortune on him. Handles like a dream and frankly makes these new fangled R300 seem a bit overpriced.


Of course every knows that real 7's have live axles!!



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Really sorry to hear that you are selling your car ☹️ and after doing the latest work on it too. Looks an absolute peach in the pictures so I hope the distance doesn't put people off. Coming up for the trailer was only a short run up the M6 from the midlands *biggrin*


Good luck with the sale though *thumbup*




Nick & Trish


Yellow HPC - A 2.0 VX - 😬

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Graham, You have mail!


Alex, If I still have the car in Sept then would love to join you for another blat. Do you have any dates yet? Dont leave it 2 late in the month or you will not get the hood off at all!


cheers Finlay

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Hi finmac,


What a great spec car...... I am working hard on a friend of mine, as its exactly what he wants... he just keeps making excuses about the timing not being right... but this is a fantastic example with every thing you could want already done...... I can see tears when I pulls out of the drive to go off to its new home....


I shall try and think of some others who I could get interested...... *smile*


David *smile*


GF04RCE is built running and on the road.... every day is a Caterham day!!!! He heee!!... pictures here , I am as excited as an excited thing.....

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Got the routes thanks ALex, will have a lok at my diary and try and fit a trip in around those dates - I need to go up North to Wick around then anyway 😬




You are dead right re the car - it has every mod you can think of, Graham (previous owner) reckoned it was quicker than a superlight and I agree. With the Wide track/Nitrons/LSD/Live axle handling is awesome and very predictable. Sad thing is I would really struggle to go out and replace it for the same money.


If your mate is serious tell him to get down to Luton buy a ticket with Easyjet to Inverness (30 odd quid) and come and have a look, I will meet him there, can't say fairer than that!


cheers Finlay

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I am working on him really hard, he currently has a 1.6 crossflow very basic car in need of a bit of work.... which he is never going to get around to doing. I am suggesting he should sell that and use the money to put towards yours....... and let someone else restore his car...


I'll keep working on him........ *smile*



GF04RCE is built running and on the road.... every day is a Caterham day!!!! He heee!!... pictures here , I am as excited as an excited thing.....

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