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lowflying BUZZ BOMB


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got a dilemma -- Mrs B needs to be up London tonight for 1900 for a hen night. then she needs collection about 0200 as well *thumbup*




1- do i go in the air conditioning w/ the X-trail *wink*




2- take the se7en and set off car alarms & have fun 😳




Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 Lighten up everybody....NOW

USA 2005: How the West Was Driven

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Hmmmmmmmmmmm, tricky one


Which ever car you chose how about get forgetting that you need to pick her up and get bladdered instead or turn up and pretend to be a strip-a-gram



I'd go Tin tip on the 1st trip & 7 on the 2nd one (given that Mrs B will have had a good number of libations and will probably do a Rach and fall asleep on the way back) ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Paul 😬


Supercheese R250

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😬 the se7en for the run up London will commence in 10 minutes 😬

now just hoping Mrs B is coherent enough to explain wherever she is at 0200 *wink*


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 Lighten up everybody....NOW

USA 2005: How the West Was Driven

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Don't take the X-trail. I have seen the advertisements, you get loads of Brazilians chasing you 😳


T'will be a balmy night in that fer'sure. So take the seven.


p.s. if you see Mrs Noger give her a honk *smile* She is off galavanting in the west end somewhere.


Lucky cow, we booked her hotel "last minute" today, and when she got there she has got a bloomin' suite ! And all for £104. Humph.


Still, I have a nice bottle of Liberace to get my self round *wink*

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Liberace, what the piano player with the candleabra, the one who wasn't gay no siree, as straight as a very straight thing, no feminine side what-so-ever, more testosterone that an entire rugby team on a stag do in Hamster-jam.


They bottled him when he popped his cloggs did they ?


Wow 😬




Supercheese R250

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*thumbup* Mrs B deposited at venue, scared a few jaywalkers on Regents street & Great Portland Street 😬


*tongue* give them a 5-6 hour session and it'll be a real trip for everybody coming home in the se7en 😳


Noger, you could have had some Barolo hsd you communicated you aloneness tonight 😬


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 Lighten up everybody....NOW

USA 2005: How the West Was Driven

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paul, it wasn't a supermodel w ight control activity -- very pretty women outside club queuing to get in, and the cutest one got in my very loud car 😬


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 Lighten up everybody....NOW

USA 2005: How the West Was Driven

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