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Today has turned out to be VERY good for me *thumbup* 😬


3 main reasons:


1. Got ma 'pooter back (so I can square up NtL peeps *thumbup*)


2. Viewed what will hopefully be my next 7 *cool* but I want to remain tight-lipped at the mo, 'cos the finances ain't in place yet, so must cross all fingers & toes that nobody snaps it up 😳 (worry-worry!!!)




3. By far the most important!

My 4 year old niece had open heart surgery today to repair a hole in the heart (too severe to do by keyhole) and the latest news is that she has come through well, she is settled in intensive care, and the next 24hrs are very crucial.

It has been a major worry for all family members over the last wee while, and we are all relieved that the biggest step has been succesfully taken.

She is a strong-willed wee lass, and will be up & about in no time *smile*


One thing I ask is that PLEASE DON'T SEND ANY EMAILS REF THIS, as I'm not sure Mrs B would want me telling the world this, but I'm mighty glad she's got thru so well *thumbup*



But I did want to share it (and the 1st 2 points) with some friends *cool*


Hope you don't mind *smile*


Rrrrrrrrrrrrossssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! *arrowright* here *wink*

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Thanks all for your wishes *smile*


It gets better *thumbup*


She was taken off the ventilator last nite, and should be out of intensive care this afternoon, to go to the High Dependancy Unit.


Apparently all the medical staff say this is far quicker than usual, and all being well, she will be on the normal ward tomorrow *thumbup*


Her grandparents should be able to visit tomorrow evening 😬


I did say she was a tough wee cookie *cool*


Thanks again all *smile*


Rrrrrrrrrrrrossssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! *arrowright* here *wink*

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Something I found funny was that apparently she is in the huff with her mum & dad, probably for putting her thru this, but she's too young to understand that it's for the best long term 😬


Rrrrrrrrrrrrossssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! *arrowright* here *wink*

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Went thru to Glasgow tonite to see her, you'd never think she'd undergone major surgery only a few days ago *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


She's up & walking already *smile*


Then I dropped Mrs B & kids at bro-in-law's flat in East Kilbride (about 35mins sth of Glasgow), had chinese, then not long back!




Rrrrrrrrrrrrossssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! *arrowright* here *wink*

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Visited last nite again, and after some very agreeable fajitas and a pint of San Miguel in a mexican round the corner from the hospital, I arrived at the main entrance to find her playing, along with her big sis & my two!


She'd been playing on a tricycle earlier in the ward too, and is coming home this morning 😳


Don't know about you, but I find it mind-blowing that her heart was removed from her chest on Monday, and she can go home 5 days later *thumbup*


Rrrrrrrrrrrrossssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! *arrowright* here *wink*

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