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I need a "shed style" hug


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Talking about poo...


When Mrs B was in hopsital the man in the next bed - surrounded by curtains started to make odd noises then the loudest guff you have ever heard...quickly folowed by nurse, NURSE!!!! I need help... ... "Oh dear, never mind, we'll get that cleared up for you".....man: "Is it supposed to be that lkiquid and black...oh God it smells!"


AT this point my wife, who could barely talk, starts gesturing at her standing bedside fan, which was on because it was a hot summer day.


Her: "ummmm, ummm" points in fan direction

Me: "Are you hot, I'll turn it up for you"

"Ummmmmmmm! Ummmmmmmm!" starts gesturing

"That's better...oh...more..." Turns up power on fan

"UMMMMMMMM!, UMM!" Now shaking of head and hands

"You want it on full? There you go"

"UMMMMMMMM! UMMMMMMMM! Cough, cough" - grabbing my arm and tugging.

It was at this point that I realised that having no sense of smell meant I didn't realise her fan was sucking in the air from next door and she was getting a hurricane of poo. Turned fan off.

That night she went into intensive care - always like to think I'm nothing but helpful...or is that hapless.

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