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Mrs Mav

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Goes for me as well. Well said Noger.

Now lets go find Paul and cheer his mood with these here Curly Wurlies and this very rare copy of the Beano


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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Now, hopefully back on thread .


Morning Miss Mav, Just been brought a cup of Earl G. by Delberta. Bit of a shook, nobody told me she would grow up. Must be something her mother encourages but I supoosed 10 years old is old enough to use the kettle. I was then informed she made it in the Micro wave.


So this Saturday I'll be instructing on kitchen saftey and how not to scare Dad


😳 😳


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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Foil 'croissants' are good - stand the croissant on it's end so that the horns are in the vertical plane - and with a gap of an inch or so between the tips.


Turn on microwave - and (preferably from as great a distance as practicable), watch the light-show *cool*


I'm fairly sure I've tried other things, but I can't remember what (from my student daze).


I do remember that in my final two years, in our student flat, we had a discarded microwave previously belonging to one of the parents. The timer/control panel didn't work - so we pulled it apart and jigged it so that the microwave would operate direct from the mains. We never put the casing back together properly though - and so (as future 1st class hons Physics students), we used to run like hell to the other end of the flat each time we turned it on - then dash back in and pull the plug... *biggrin*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Oh, just remembered - to get a better result with the foil croissants, you should mould a metal paperclip into each of the horns with one end of the clip bent out into a spike - this ensures a very concentrated arc point, and also resists the rather impressive temperatures generated better than the foil on its own.


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Well I've covered

1)knives are dangerous, yes I cut myself


2) boiling water is hot, yup scalded myself


3) food comes from M&S in packets for fools like me


4) Stella is kept in the fridge


nowoff to Franlie and Bennies as I think my fatherly duties are complete. Over to her mother for the rest, you know the ones "All men are Bar Stewards". This is how you get your own way part 1-15, The importance of Additional card holder status etc etc



When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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I went to the Rhythms of the World concert in Hitchin yesterday (hic) it's the largest free music concert in the UK, 6 stages plus circus, stalls and many bars (hic) and it stayed dry (hic and ouch my burnt bonce), I must wear a hat when I go back again today


Photos are available if anyone is interested?




Supercheese R250

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