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Speed Championship Awards at Caterham Festival

Silver 21

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As mentioned briefly in a previous posting we are looking at giving out this years awards as part of the Caterham Festival being held on the 9/10th October at Brands Hatch.


The Club has secured the Foulson Suite for viewing on both days and for a dinner on the Saturday night as part of the this years International. Entry to the Foulson suite will be FREE to Club Members once you've paid your £10 to get into Brands.


The question is:


1. Do you want the awards to be part of the Dinner at £40 a head or


2. The awards to be a seperate thing that happens at say 5pm after watching the racing but before the dinner, this gives you the choice of attending the dinner or not.


Can we please have a show of hands to option 1 or 2 so we can decide before the booking form goes out in next months LF, I'm going to the dinner and think this is a great opportunity to give out the awards as a larger Club event (Director hat on) but understand if people would rather it as a seperate event.


Show of hands please from regular suspects, Mark, Rob, Steve, Adrian, Kippers, DJ, David N, Andy N, Richard P, Brian etc etc (sorry if you didn't get a mention, just trying to provoke a resonse 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬)




Competition Secretary

*cool* 2004 Speed Championship - 9 events *cool*


Edited by - Bacon Butty on 7 Jul 2004 17:47:34

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Nice idea David *arrowup* - that would really be something for those who are up for a gong. The only thing I would add is that it would be nice to get ALL attending competitiors/club members close up to the presentations so that we can offer personal congrats (and carry on the general banter and mickey taking) while the award winners receive their pots. My guess is that not everyone will want or be able to stay around for the dinner, so on the basis of allowing as many competitors as possible to be there I have a slight preference for option 2.


That said, i'll go with the flow - as I only live down the road from Brands i'll be planning to be there all weekend anyway.


BB - if you or the club organisers are looking for any help on or before the festival weekend let me know - glad to help with anything.






Andy Nicholls


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