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very bad shed news


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V. bad news ☹️


Thanks heavens the injuries are ot too serious - from experience I know that French hospitals are very good so I'm sure he'll be well enough to come home soon. Hugh & Kay will be looking after them well.


Steve/Mav - if you make contact, give them our love from the sheds



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What a great thing the FIA bar is


and to think that some people complain when they are not allowed on club track days without one *confused*


Again here's to a speedy recovery of everyone and everything involved *thumbup*


Supercheese R250

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Paul - I think you'll find that Barbarella has a standard bar, not an FIA... Certainly some of the pics on Barbarellas homepage show a std. bar AFAI could tell.


...so doubly amazing that they 'got away with it'.


Me? I've got side impact bars, honeycomb etc. - just as well I don't usually have a passenger - they haven't got anything like that.


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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*eek* Omigawsh... May I repeat the sentiment: Thank God and whatever spirit it is that protects the car (knowing that you are of the pagan persuasion Jen*) that Fletch wasn't too seriously injured. Get well soon. *thumbup*


And I know it's only metal and stuff, but it's hard not to shed a little tear [sniff] for poor Barbarella... ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ ☹️


☹️ nothing...


* (Er, hope I didn't cause offence there. Nothing but respect intended.)


Edited by - MisterToad on 8 Jul 2004 23:14:08

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Gawd, these cars are strong aren't they. Scary pictures, but comforting in a strange way, that we are well protected.


Glad Fletch is now out of hossie *thumbup*


Can't believe the chap didn't stop *mad* My father was run off the road in France 2 years ago, whilst towing a glider. Chap did a stupid overtake completely forgetting how long a glider trainer and Estate car are. Father and glider ended up a ditch, with Monsier Plonker carrying on his merry way. Guess it happens here too ☹️

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Just thinking about what Hugh Dent was saying the other day when he was hypothesising about the reason for the car doing what it did. I think Hugh said they were Minilite type wheels but looking at the pic thay appear, to me, to be Prisoner types.

Now someone else who had a wheel break (can't remember who it was-well it is Friday, and after the pub ) confirmed that theirs were also Prisoners. Are the Prisoner wheels a lot weaker than the Minilites I wonder 🤔 ☹️ ☹️ ☹️





Zetec 209

Reassuringly Expensive


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Ah ok but are they any weaker than the Minilite type I wonder 🤔


No, not nice at all and if I showed that pic to my wife I think it would only serve to confirm what she has always (erroneously I feel) believed about travelling in the 7.





Zetec 209

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I would assume that they are, given the larger diameter giving a much greater lever arm on the wheel in the event of a shock loading.


Going back to the wifey thing...would they have suffered any less injury in a normal car? I think it's a pretty *thumbup* indication that the Seven is a fairly robust bit of kit *thumbup*


Dannyboy - *tongue*back in blat

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Now Dannyboy, you are assuming that wifey things are logical and understand engineering *confused*


Let me guess........you aren't married are you 🤔 😬


I think it's robust but you try telling that to Mrs C *confused*





Zetec 209

Reassuringly Expensive



Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 9 Jul 2004 17:04:59

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The 'official' pics of the demise of our Se7en are here. There are some more to come when I get the ones that Phill Ambrose (Sumo) took.


You will also find some pics of the happier times during the Bordeaux Blat.

I am still editing, more to come here too.



Se7en's - the most fun you can have with clothes on

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