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Alternator to Chassis Clearance !?


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Having completed...well 99.99% completed, my rebuild, I noticed that the clearance of the alternator to the chassis member to the side of it was very tight. This was confirmed when we took the car out and it clanked, marking my brand new powder coating, when we went through a rough pothole.


Have I missed something??


I don't remember, nor did I have in my parts, any washers to fit under the engine mount to raise it. Anyway, if I did cant it over the exhauist would not then fit the exit in the bodywork.

There has been no change to the engine, alternator or chassis, save having it repowdercoated.


I'm mystified....I'm sure we are using the same alternator belt too yet it was never so close before.


Has anyone else had this problem...is there something I've missed that I should have fitted/adjusted etc ???




Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Yes, you're right that it was close...but nowhere near as close as it is now!!


The "old" belt was fairly new anyway but may be changed very shortly for a slightly shorter one...unfortunately I've installed an Apollo tank so this will make life a little more difficult *thumbdown*


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬


Edited by - Nifty on 4 Jul 2004 21:20:37

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You can, with a bit of juggling, and removing the pipe to the cam cover, thread the alternator belt over the oil pipes and the apollo without having to undo any of the major oil plumbing. It's a bit like doing one of those Xmas cracker puzzles!


I'm planning to pop up to the Cornwallis tomorrow. Are you going to be at Mark's? If so, until what time as I can always pop along a bit early loik! You can then have a gander at mine if it helps.




NN 😳

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I was supposed to be on a jolly paintballing tomorrow..but it looks like I'll have to go and inspected some spuds down near Colchester now *mad* *thumbdown*.


However, the upside of this is that I may well be back to Norfolk by mid afternoon so might well be at Marc's. If not I'll see you at the Cornwallis.


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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