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You can take your number with you if you move network.


All you need to do is ask Vodafone for a PAC number, you then quote this to your new network provider and then Vodafone have x days to transfer the number.


I expect that just requesting the PAC will be enough to wake up Vodafone to give you what you can get elsewhere




Supercheese R250

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This is what I was thinking...


Most providers won't officially offer their promotions to subscribers transferring from another network - but I'd have £40 to cushion the blow... (or so the argument would run...)


I'm *sure* they can override the so-called 'discount code' that is generated from my last 3 months bills...


I'll phone them again after the lunchtime rush and ask to *speak* to the supervisor if I'm getting no-where... *mad* 🙆🏻 *mad*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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I think the reason they aren't keen to give you a free upgrade is because your bill is quite low. I spend a fair bit more than that a month and do get free upgrades - I'm on Orange though - not really had any problems with them - although the coverage doesn't seem to be as good as on Vodafone.


I think all the providers are pretty similar really - none of them give outstanding customer service *mad*




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Sounds very familiar! Although I sort the phones for our company out, it is still the same, and we spend a reasonable amount a month!


Tell them you are terminating your contract, and send the PAC number. You'll be amazed at what they can offer, even on a lowley tarif.


The most bizarre one recently, was £99.99 to upgrade one employee's phone to a Sony T610 (or whatever it is)

Complained that it would be free on every "NEW" tarif under the sun. A fruity phone company then managed to review the cost, and after speaking to the manager, offer it for £49.99

A bit more discussion and threat to move, and the stupidity of their pricing etc, and I was offered a deal where I pay £49.99 on the company credit card, and they would discount the next bill by £100. Which I took.


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Hmm, yes, that's the size of it I guess...


...and they can presumably see that they'll be worse off if I continue with my current useage.


S@d it. I'll phone them, give it one last go, and then cave in. My folks are with Voda pay-as-you-go and they wouldn't welcome paying more for the privilledge of speaking to me on another network...


I will be better off after a max of 8 months anyway - or possibly as little as two and a bit depending on usage.


Just narks me that they are effectively treating me worse than a new (unknown) customer... ☹️


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Tried, threatened to leave, failed, took the offer..... ☹️


Heh-ho! It is a much better deal than I'm on at the mo.


If it wasn't for the hassle of letting everyone know a new number, I'd just cancel the old one and sign up online with the same crowd and save the £40...




Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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over lapp the contract, text from the old phone book as Group text, include all in phone book, 5 mins max and £40 in the old bum cushion


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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they're all S-C-U-M from my dealings with the T company *mad*



but i've put the screws to them, halved BOTH our bills, got 5 squid loyalty benefits, and two free handsets per year next 2 years....


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 Lighten up everybody....NOW

USA 2005: How the West Was Driven

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over lapp the contract, text from the old phone book as Group text, include all in phone book, 5 mins max and £40 in the old bum cushion


It's more a case of all the places I've registered my phone-no - employment (ha!) agencies and the like...


Anyway, the dirty deed is done. Just trying to find out from their cr@ppy online systems if I am actually supposed to receive the handset today or not...


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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