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Indicator beeper

red dave

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Right an update for you all.

After days of searching,,removing switches, gauges, feeling and poking I was ready to give up.

Then a very kind man called Darren Cheesbrough sent me a message, and said he found his behind the speedo.

So I popped the speedo out, turned on the indicators and there it was. 

No wonder it's so hard to find, it's tiny , smaller than a five pence peice.

Can't decide if to tape it up or just cut one wire, but I am very relived to have found it!

heres the little bleeding bleeper!


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I inadvertently found mine the other day when installing my shift lights. I removed 'some random tape' from a 'random thingy' and thought nothing of it. The next time I drove my 7 I was assaulted by this high pitched squeeking whenever I used the indicators. The tape has now been re-instated.  *sleep*


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The problem is one of behavioural economics! If I got a free one it would sit there looking at me until I fitted it. But if I have to buy one I'd escalate to a self-cancelling gizmo, which is what I really want, and then I'd fail to decide between all the options. :-)

And then there's my concern about future GDP/head... ;-)


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is it THAT loud even with ear plugs in? 

I need to do something with mine as the green dashboard indicator bulb is dim esp in sunlight and with earplugs in / onset of hearing deterioration I cannot hear the flasher unit ticking.

its either ultra bright LED or loud beeper - the former, I'm told, is distracting at night! Seems there's not a simple solution without compromise.


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Ian, no your correct, it's not too loud with ear plugs in, but still very noticeable even when you do have your ear plugs no for longer journeys.

However at the moment most of my trips with the kids are quite short journeys, so I don't bother with ear plugs.

One of the reasons for this is the sigma engine in my car is not noisy at all, in fact the whole car is one of the quietest Caterhams I have ever owned, hence the issue with the bleeper being so loud and distracting.

Even without the bleeper, the two little turn signal Led's in the Rev counter are pretty bright, so I do t think I will forget to cancel them!

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As I have DRE shiftlights I think I'll remove the single supersport red shift LED between the speedo and rev counter and replace with a switched green LED in addition to the normal indicator dash lamp - at night I'll be able to turn it off if needed. It will also be in line of sight rather than off to the side.



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  • 5 years later...

Just refreshing this most useful information on the indicator sounder. I couldn't find mine anywhere until I read this thread. Mine was between the rev counter and speedo and accessed by removing the speedo. 2017 factory built car.

Some fit them, some remove them :) 


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