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Attacked by Satan Crow of Death


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Whilst driving over Devils Dyke at 7am this morning a large carrion crow was tucking in to a breakfast of rabbit in the centre of the road. It would not move out of the way, so I gave it a toot of the horn. The evil thing turned, looked at up, and flew straight at me. The thing must have been 6 foot tall and 200lbs, it had great big blood red eyes, fangs and I am sure it was humming 'ride of the valkyrie' as it came towards me. It hit the windscreen cracking it in 3 places.


So, is it easy enough to replace the screen, or should I call the insurance co. It looks like I just:


- Drill out the rivets holding the interior knee panels (is there any way to refit these without rivets so I can get the screen off again easily to fit an aeroscreen)

- Remove the 4 bolts holding the screen

- Unconnect the heater element somehow ?


Then does the screen surround just separate out to get the glass out ?

Do I need to use some form of silicon (Silkaflex ?) to rebond the new screen in ?


Does this make sense ? Is there any traps I should know about ?


Cheers, Peter




My Caterham owner's site


Edited by - Pelico on 13 Jun 2004 12:10:31

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It is usually easy-enough to replace the glass - especially if it hasn't been done before.


First thing, though, is to phone the insurance crowd - MSM can normally get you a full refund (no excess) if you source and fit the screen itself (about £100 for an unheated one - approx. double for a heated one IIRC).


I've only replaced a non-heated one, so I don't know (but assume it to be true) that there are two push-connectors under the scuttle on the sides of the screen for the heated element - it's definitely been covered elsewhere in BC, so just do a search.


Once the entire screen assembly is off the car, you'll need to remove the rubber scuttle-strip from the lower edge of the screen surround - and this should reveal a couple of screws in the corners. These will allow you to remove the lower edge from the screen... ...you can then prise-out the glass from the rubber U-sections (assuming the screen hasn't been replaced before - my first one was an ex-racers job and the rubber had been replaced with horrible sticky foam strip...)


The rubber might come out from the metail surround - in which case, keep an eye out for little spacers that stop it disappearing totally into the surround.


I think it was easiest to fit the rubber to the new glass, and then insert the whole lot into the surround - you might find a thin smear of grease will aid the fitting.


Once it's all in, bolt it up, fit it to the car and then remember that you should have bought some mirror-stickies from Halfrauds...



is there any way to refit these without rivets so I can get the screen off again easily to fit an aeroscreen


Actually, I just pushed mine back in - they don't rattle around on my car. It doesn't look too pretty, close-up, but it's not too much of an issue for me.




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Sorry to hear about your brush with Alfred Hitchcock's finest. I agree with Myles on the re-fitting of the screen but you might like to try rubber lubricant *tongue* instead of grease.


Available in Halfrauds.

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Don't DIY, just ring the insurance and pay the £50. You get a new screen and surround, fitted. Fitting is a matter of undoing the 6 screws up the stanchions so even the dumbest fitter can do it. You might get the excess waived if you DIY. If you try the other route, stripping the old surround, it's a PITA and will cost you more money for a worse job. *confused*
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Sorry to hear about your mishap, we have hundreds of these monsters flying around here my normal approach when you come across them having breakfast on the public highway is to drop down a cog and make some serious noise!!

Good luck with the replacement screen


Phil S7SVN

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You have had your screen cracked in three places after a head on with a crow

and you are still considering getting an aero fitted !! Are the XL1's Crowproof ??


I knew those track days would turn you into a bit of a monster !


scary !!


(sorry havent been about much for blats lately - combination of work being busy and meeting a bird ! (not a crow !!) )






1700 Supersprint, with extra chilli sauce

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