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Help us, we're trapped on Mopeds


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We're running about like daft fools trying to get maps laminated, tools packed, and spares removed from the scrap bikes we've had donated by friends.


I just had a curry! *tongue* Thought I'd better spoil Soozy before we go.....


Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads.....

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Re-inforced steel bogroll perchance? *wink* *thumbup*


We've currently got around £180 quid from Ne7ers, Tour7 and Blachat alone! Cheers you good ord munkeys!!!! 😬 😬 *smile* *smile* *biggrin* *biggrin* *thumbup*


Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads.....

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Noger - that's what I thought too, but it's a while since I was last in the big smoke innit! *wink* Thanks again old bean!

naPP - bluddy marvellous!!!!!!! What can we say? Thanks again to you too!!!! 😬 *thumbup*


That's nearly £200 from se7ers alone! (Blatchat, Tour7 and Ne7ers)

Good work fellers! *biggrin* *biggrin* *biggrin*


Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads.....

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since the buggers upstairs ain't intrested


Met the fools today and got a free cup of tea (must remember bring own sugar next time) they were holed up in glencoe visitor center.


I learnt some intresting facts

1 of the scooters has the luxury of an electric start

2 it is possible to wheely a C90

3 burntouts ( well more sort of smolderslightly out) can be done on a C90


You must go and meet the troops on route if only for their highly amusing draughting, overtaking , cornering manuovers.



And i gave them a tenner but probably spent £50 on fuel getting there and back




Sod the heater wheres my shades

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We only had one engine blow up but we soon found a replacement.

Many thanks for the support, especially mr Thinfourth (Paul) 😬 😬


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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T'was with a heavy heart that we took the van back to the rental chaps ☹️. The van was as big as Devon and served us splendidly! So, who wants to buy a C90?? Thinfourth perhaps?? *confused*


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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Sounds like you had a great time, I have a wodge of sponsorship money from the ever generous people at the Cambs area meet and Cam7 - going to pass the hat round once more on Thursday (assuming Cam7 meet up) and after that, I'll stick a cheque in the post to you *wink* *thumbup*




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Cheers Y'all *thumbup*


And an expectant 'BiG Up' to the Grantchester Massive for Rach's Cam7 collection *thumbup*


Hopefully, Doug should have the first few piccies availible shortly.


We're easy to identify in the photos.....


OWelly is the one that looks like Brad Pitt, and where Coose is more Tom Croose, I'm more notable for my toned physique *tongue*


OK, it's actually because our sweet steeds have names on the leg sheilds.


I'm riding Mabel, Coose found love with Cedric, Owelly 'did' Doris and Ian mounted... err... Jeff 😳






Look it's Mavis here and Jubilee 7 here

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I have 3 hours of video but its mainly of us pi55ed up and ranting at wildlife. I seem to have taken to accusing starlings of being badgers for some reason *confused*

If we take all the video/stills and condense them into some sort of non-surreal footage, we might get 10minutes worth *thumbup*


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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Evenin' all!


As you've all guessed already, we're back from our epic jaunt from Johns old

Goats to Sandsend, and what a jaunt it was!


We set off from sunny Whitby at about 7.30p.m. on Friday the 11th of June,

and took turns to sail the barge of an Iveco van that had been kindly

contributed to the cause by Marks boss, finally arriving intact in John

O'Groats at 6a.m. on Saturday morning......


After a couple of hours snooze, we unloaded and then got set off at about

11a.m. Within the first half hour of slipstreaming, we had our first

casualty - my mirror glass fell out! Once I'd stolen owellys left hand

mirror, off we went again....


The first night was spent on the shores of Loch Ness, where the midges

feasted on us beautifully!!! The next day was down through Glencoe (where we

were graced by the prescence of one Mr Thinfourth), aiming to reach Loch

Lomond that eve. We got there at around 4p.m. (after a fanstastic thrash

down some amazing roads and scenery, but unfortunately rain-soaked yet warm)

and decided to carry on past Glasgae. That's when it all went horribly



We decided to take the M70-something as time was getting on, and just south

of Glasgow I heard what I thought was a blowing exhaust (I was wearing ear

plugs). Two minutes later Cedric died..... :o(

It turned out to be a knackered big-end, brought on by slipstreaming a bus

at 60mph on the flat (bearing in mind that the fastest recorded speed

previously had been 56mph) and being pushed along by a chap on a Honda

CB1300 which sent it off the clock......


Ian (who was riding Jeff, but not that Jeff!) was behind me and so stopped

when I did and looked as gutted as I felt! Mark was way ahead (as he

couldn't see in Mabels mirror due to a high lard content) but Owelly

eventually turned up after riding Doris the wrong way down the hard

shoulder!!!! :o0

Anyway, one quick phone call later and Doug was on his way down with the

van. Cedric was loaded in and we found a campsite just outside Lanark, which

we camped for the price of a can of Stella! Cedric was pulled apart and

that's when we found the problem.... So, Monday morning was spent with the

Cub-boys chugging down the A74, and me scouring the country to find a new

motor! Eventually, one was sourced but was in Preston. This mean't missing

about 200 miles, but it was either that or give in (which wasn't an

option.......). So, one purchase of £120 later and half an hour in some

services off the M6 twirling spanners and we were off again! So, down to

Knutsford (where we were a week too early for the Ladyboy Extravaganza, so

it seemed) and into the tents again.


Next morning, we were joined by Big Gay Al on his GSX-R600 and off south we

went, crossing into the Welsh border (but not stopping for obvious reasons)

and down to Much Wenlock for lunch.... What a beautiful place! Then, off to

Hereford (where the grrrrls are oh-so pretty) and then on to Bath, which we

needed desperately!


After spending the eve drinking Stella whilst being circled by a barn owl,

we hammered(!) off through Somerset and into Dartmoor, camping just out side

of Tavistock. We spent the eve in the Chip Shop pub (yep, you read it

right - but it had something to do with tin miners allegedly) and had 3

pints of Inches cider, which really hit the spot! We were swapping abuse

with a chap from the Taymar Capri Owners Club, who took it so well he

donated a tenner!!!!


Anyway, next morning (after clogging the jaccuzi on the camp site. Yes,

really. A jaccuzi!!!!), we carried on through Devon, and down to Penzance.

That eve was spent camped behind a pub a couple of miles just outside, where

we had dinner with three chaps why drove aeroplanes in the area. It turns

out that they were the Pilots of Penzance!!!!! (burrrdum-tish.....)


Next morning was an epic bounce down some backlanes, where we finally got

there - making it to Lands End with no falls and only one submission!!!!


We then blatted up to Newquay, to celebrate and plan the next trip.....

Watch this space!



Now, down to the important bit - the main reason for doing it! Thanks to all

who have pledged to donate to a worthy cause, and it looks like we must have

over £1000!!!! But we do need to collect it.....

The best thing to do is to make a cheque payable to the Leukaemia Research

Fund, and send it to Mark.

What is probably the right thing to do is to email him off list and he'll

send you his address, or he may post it on list - I dunno! And for those who

pledged more for silly outfits at JoG and LE, Mark was wearing a DJ, him and

Owelly were wearing dickie-bows and I had my flat cap, goggles and pipe, so

does that count? We do have pics and video footage to prove......


Anyway, thanks again and til next time!!!!


😬 😬 😬 😬 *thumbup*


Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads.....

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