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How do you align the headlights?


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Park the car on the level before you take them off. Mark where the wheels are, and the beam pattern on garage door or something.


When you put them back on, park in the same place and match the beams to the marks you made.


Should be close enough *thumbup*




See some pictures of the build here. First 2000 miles completed!

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How do you adjust the headlights?

With difficulty.

You will need patience (as the nuts are very difficult to reach) and three hands.

But park on a level surface facing a wall.

Mark headlamp centre on the wall.

Back up a couple of feet.

On Full: centre of beam should be slightly left and below centre

Once you have set them well: do them up very tight! Once there is a wear pattern it becomes very difficult to keep them well aligned.

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If you have the newer stye bent tubes fixing then the clamp on the chassis is loosened and the wires once unpluged can be careully slid through the slot.

I put a nick in the tube and the clamp for easy re-aligning. Passed all MOT's since doing this.

I took the lights off and on every month a while back.


I you need a beam aligning aid then drop me an email and I can email you an alignment pattern for doing this. Again this got me through MOT's and 2 cars no problems.


Tip. Leave the headlights a little loose so you can just move them. Tell the MOT man this and he will align them for you and you can then tighten them up outside the MOT station.


Hants (North) and Berkshire Area club site here

My racing info site





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