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electrical problems


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(also posted to the sevens list)


My car has developed a nasty habit. It starts and runs fine the first 10 minutes until properly warmed up.


Some symptoms:

* While driving there is a short loss of power, a hiccup if you like.

* Sometimes the engine just dies like that *snap*. Turn the key off & on (rolling on the motorway) and it's all normal for a while, other times it just dies again.

* Turning on the power with the key I've once heard relay-clicking and also seen the gearshift light go on and off like mad.


A temperature related short?


Tor Atle

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I had a similar thing but it was related to the immobilisor/wiring loom. A slight bit of movement and the car would die and then off/on with the key sorted it. The problem is still there, but with a cable tie pulling the loom into a 'safe' position it all works!I guessed it was the loom moving through vibration etc.

Maybe.......... ?

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