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Elusive Tony Weale Book


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In desperate need of a cook book approach to looking after my seven, having discovered the vast amount of stuff I just don't know about it, in terms of what goes where connecting to what, doing god knows.


Apparently this books the dogs, anyone know a shoppe with it in stock, as it seems to be out of print. Alternatively any one with a spare copy they'd like to sell?


Book details are Lotus Seven Restoration/Preparation/Maintenance by Tony Weale ISBN 1-85532-153-X



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I waited several weeks to get a copy from WH Smiths, only to be told it was out of print!

Try Redline in Caterham, I ordered a copy on Wed afternoon and recieved it in the post on Thurs AM!

Cost is around £23.00inc postage.


How about that for service!



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With regard's to the above, I've just tried Redline and they have sold out. I'm in the same boat as the above Gentleman in that I would like a copy, can anyone help?


All suggestion's would be appreciated!



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I went to Motorbooks a couple of weeks ago, who were out of stock, the guy there looked it up on his computer and said it was shown as being re-printed.


I'm not sure if this is correct, or when. He told me to 'call again next month'and see.


Since I came away with £60 of books i hadn't intended to buy this may have been a cunning ploy to get me back into his shop again.


You could give them a call/mail and ask.


its www.motorbooks.co.uk



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I live in Marseille in France and I have a 1990 sprint super seven. I am quite sure you could find the tony weale book at Edition du Palmier in France because I saw a few weeks ago there.


They are specialized in motor books and they sale new and second hand books. Most of motor books are in English.(of course)


You can find them :

Phone : 00 33 4 66 23 37 50

Fax : 00 33 4 66 23 96 60

and : www.editions-palmier.fr


I have this book and if I can help, you can reach me at


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All sold out, Chaters, Redline etc etc


Thanks for the offers of photocopies of various pages but I really need the whole book, as I know nothing!


Feel a bit like J R R Hartley less the tweed suit...

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Try the specialist second hand car book shop (aargh! can't remember the name!!) in Woburn, it had one last time I was in, or by Book and Magazine Collector Magazine from a ggod newsagent and get one of the specialist search services to find one for you - they will try to charge you a premium of about 100% though.


Paul M.


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Phil, How much do you want for it? Doesn't it retail at 22 quid or thereabouts?


Anthony, could you bring your copy along to the next meet please. I'm dying to have a look. Seeing as you haven't got a seven at the moment you don't really need it...........wink.gif



Lean, Mean, and Green.

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