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Can I have a group hug please


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*wink* Paul


Try to think of all the positives. No more moaning when you want to watch footie in the pubs with the lads. 😬 You can buy some kit for the car and ditch Sainsbury's for the week.. *cool* Back to chasing all those hot women!!! You can sit around and watch the grass grow to 8 inches without a siren going off. *thumbup*


Get yourself a cleaner, sub contract the ironing, learn to cook... no worries!!!


Been doing it for 3 years. Having the time of my life.


Good luck mate *smile*





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Ditto what everyone has already said Paul *wink*


You know we are all your mates here, if you need to sound off then feel free *thumbup*



Viv for sure

it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

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Tough spot, mate. I was best man at a wedding that just finally divorced. Was best man at the divorce too. Groom is off anti-depressants now, but hit him very hard too. It has got better and he just got promoted.


Don't go drinking - it'll make it worse. Don't go driving - you'll get caught.


Buy a playstation - that's my advice.


My ... Preciousss!

Member #109**

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Ditto on the drinking, I wasted a good 12 months after my divorce( she got Preggers without me) and redundancy in same fortnight.

Picked myself up and the last 8 years have been ever increasingly better.

I have a daughter who is now my best friend, a job I love ( I better not mention I'm a Nat Sales manager, not yours though I hope) and I have my freedom.

The ex would rather have had expensive holidays rather than long term fun so now I have the 7.


Take it from one who has been there the long walks do help look out at the view and realise it will get better, when it does you appreciate it so much more.


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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I had a few miserable moments (car breaking was the straw that broke the camel's back) on tour as well - friends all gathered round and tried to help. Once I'd got over the initial upset I was really glad they were there and their advice helped a lot ☹️


Hope we can help as much *smile*


I'll say 'its not as bad as it all seems' but I know it'll take a while before you can see ity that way. In the meantime come here every few minutes for another hug *thumbup*


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Very sorry to here you're in the need of a hug...but here is the right place to come for one...or knowing the shedders, multiple hugs *smile*


Like others have said, try and look at the positives...it's easy for us to say, but it really is true. My brother was divorced last year after more than 20 years together, but he's got through it and has a new outlook on life which is far more upbeat.


Consider yourself hugged


The name's Puff, Powder Puff


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No more wondering why the answer to "What's wrong" ends up as being "Nothing" but actually means "work it out by reading my mind, idiot!"


No more sitting in shoe shops watching her put on the 18th pair of flimsy 2 oz's of leather ( which, incidentally look the same as the other 37 pairs she already has in the wardrobe) that you know could be a new set of tyres instead.


No more listening to her say "turn right here" whilst pointing left.


No more listening to her convuluted logic about why, when she's just twatted the new BMW on the gatepost, it was actually your fault for buying a slightly larger car than last time.


No more, one week in four, creeping around as if Godzilla had taken up refuge in the next room.


Paul...... remember when you were young, carefree and happy and marriage was just a distant blot on the horizon that you desperately swerved and avoided until in the inevitable overcame you. Well... fantastic news - you've got it all back..... You lucky man

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paul, having been through it *twice* i can assure you there is the *right person* whether you marry them or not out there. that may be difficult to take on board, but it's true. took me to my 40's to find that person, but now have. funny thing was, she was right beside me for years *wink* *thumbup*


as to the w4nker manager, if you can console yourself that karma is cyclical, he'll get his. whether or not you're working with the fscker or not, someone some day will smack him with a dose of reality like he'll never be able to comprehend


i'd say stiff upper lip and all that tosh, but it'd not be how i feel. go do a meditation workshop, give yourself treats, like a holiday, etc to reward yourself for being alive, awake, alert and having fun....


Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD

USA 2005: How the West Was Driven

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...and a girlie-type hug from me too *smile* It may sound crass, but dig around in your mind and try to identify all the positives you can muster and concentrate on them *thumbup* They may seem few and far between at the moment but eventually the pain will dissipate, I promise *biggrin*


Ooh and can I have a group hug too please? I twisted my ankle and fell backwards down the stairs yesterday from half way up *eek* I now have a very sore 🙆🏻, elbow and back as well - hobbling around feeling pretty stoopid ☹️


p.s. I was not p-s'd either 😳

Lots of love


FH *cool*

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Here's a massive *arrowleft*HUG *arrowright* for you old chap 😳 😬


Can you be anywhere near the 6 Bells at Chiddingly for West Sussex meet tonight *confused*


A blat amongst friends cures most *thumbdown* *mad* 🙆🏻 *eek* ☹️ feelings, and then a good chat over a shandy (wiv more 'ugs if needed) will help too.


Any way that any of us can help, you know we will, and we're here for you. *thumbup*


Oh well, FA Cup over, bring on Euro 2004 at Le Mans Cars, footy, cars, more cars ... 😬

See Barbarella here...

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Hugs and ointment for FH (Rum is a form of ointment isn't it ?)


Thanks for all the kinds words and support both in the thread and my inbox. Yesterday I was up hills and today I've done a forrest, Ashridge forrest to be precise, very nice it was too. Darn those noisey birds and those squirrels making the place look untidy, didn't see Bambi but he does live there - mega tranquil, ahhhhhhh


Supercheese R250

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Hope you are feeling much better very soon FH *wink* *thumbup*


Mav hope you are not too sore today (burnt on the iron today *eek*), Maybe the indian tonight will ease the pain and suffering *wink* *confused* I'm sure there will be a lot of sympathy coming your way soon from the shedders *cool* *thumbup*



Viv for sure

it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

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Soozy keeps asking me to marry her after too much gin, but can't understand why I keep saying no! Maybe it's the experience of the demise of my old dears' 3 marriages..... *thumbdown* *confused*


What you should do Paul, is round up a lot of people in daft wee cars (some you know, many you don't) and laugh hysterically for four days solid! Suddenly, everything becomes soooooooooooo easy! 😬 😬 😬


Chin up, all will be fine!


Hoops - glad you're getting the Hoopylite sorted. I never had much chance to be wibbled at last weekend..... ☹️


Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads.....

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Mav hope you are not too sore today (burnt on the iron today


Mav...what on earth were you doing near an iron *eek* If you'd burnt yourself on the exhaust manifold there would have been hundreds of sympathy postings by now 😬 *wink*



Hug for FH...even if I'm not convinced you hadn't been drinking *wink*


The name's Puff, Powder Puff




Edited by - Powder Puff on 28 May 2004 07:49:58

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