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Donnington Park Sunday ......... hush the locals are sleeping ....

Jason Plato

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Yeah I was doin OK at Donny with my new "silent " kit fitted .


The noise man who was camped outside our garage even complimented me on how good my car was ( noise wise ) after my 2 mates had been pulled over in the second session for noise *tongue*


Then just before lunch he pulled me for being a tad over the limit @ 100db *eek* , but it was my first warning *tongue* . He said that I had been good all morning so whatever I had adjusted , could I please revert back ........


Then following lunch I enquired if the noise man had eaten well and was in a better mood than the morning 😬 *tongue*, he just grunted .............I suggested that he should go and have a rest , maybe watch the Grand Prix 😬 ........ at home ! .


Then during a short interlude , me and Rob put together a cunning plan to overcome the noise meter . We found a big cone to put over the microphone . But just as I was inspecting the mic , pliers in hand and Rob ready with the cone . The PA system sparked into life " DO NOT TAMPER WITH THE CIRCUIT EQUIPMENT" we turned around to see the officials laughing in the tower ....


For the final session I thought I might check they were'nt falling asleep in the noise control tower , so off came all my noise reduction kit , the throttle bodies could now sing to their hearts content *cool* . The first laps were warm up . Then on the 4th lap we gave it full beans *wink* , and overtook all the cars going down the pit straight .


Next lap , for some reason I got black flagged ......... images of Castle combe Group B supercar day were haunting me - I got thrown off for out dragging the start attraction Computervision Metro 6R4 😬 *thumbup* *thumbup* .


On return to the pits , I was instructed to report to the tower and the chief noise man . Up the stairs we went , and up and up and up ........... the gent up the top of the tower in the greenhouse was all alone . He said that I had recorded 107 db drive by , and this whilst it is "a pathetic council demand , it is a little louder than is permitted today *eek* *thumbdown* - like 3 times louder !!!" .

So I was asked to put my noisy little car in his trailer ☹️ .


Great day on track , but we realy need a noisy day for our next visit to this great circuit 😬 *thumbup*

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Ditto about the curtailed last session. *thumbdown*


But they were somewhat enthusiastic in the morning...I got pulled for driveby noise, and I'm in a 115bhp Academy car with boggo std exhaust! All stickered up so not much chance of misidentification *confused*


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I went home at dinner time with the car stuck in gear *mad*


Engine out this week and then ready for Le Mans Bugatti next month *smile*


Great circuit though, plenty of tyre squealing 😳


Geoff *smile*

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The joys of having a 1.6VX. Giving it full revs in 3 rd past the noise meter and not even a dirty look from the black flag man 😬 Having said that the 200 BHP guys caught me up like I was standing still on Hanger Straight *mad*

Good day although not as organised as a L7C or BookaTrack day and not everbody understood about letting faster people through.

Had a chat with the noise man towards the end of the day....he was not a happy person. Apparently a few of the guys in saloons had taken the silencers out and wound the boost up. I think 1 guy had scored 5 hits in one session before they got him off and they are only allowed 100 hits for the day.





1600 VX Black/Ali Race No 110

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I was there too (just posted on chitchat), no problems with noise for me but it was funny seeing how slow some of you noisy lot drove under the start line gantry 😬 😬 😬 😬. Even though this was my first trackday I too thought the organisation could have been better (particulary some of the overtaking in corners) - if you have any specific points drop me a mail, I'll be in touch with the organisers soon anyway and will be happy to feedback any constructive comments.


I left at 3 - had a long run home and wanted an early night (left for work at 5 this morning).


As for noise - on the very first session someone hit 115db! Not a 7 though.


Dave J - which car were you in? I never did get around to meeting many people even though I had planned to? I was in the dark silver roadsport - garage 3.


Roadsport build photo's here



Edited by - Grubbster on 24 May 2004 21:23:25

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I wondered where the marshalls were. A few times I expected to see waved blue flags, when approaching slower cars or being passed.


Only flag I seen was the chap at the pitlane at the end of a session.


Geoff *smile*

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I'd second that Geoff.


I'm not experienced on track, felt I was checking my mirrors, didn't do a very good job sometimes and it would have helped to have had some marshalling of that sort. Is that what one would expect on a trackday?? (blue flags i mean, not me getting in the way (ref. chitchat topic))




still 😳

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Dave J, what engine do you have, and I'm curious, what does your "noise reduction kit" consist of 🤔




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re: Blue flags...Have seen them used, although if you cant see a car weaving all over the back of you, then precious little chance of seeing a flag as you fly past it.


There was quite a speed differential in the set of cars out in our session. As a slower car, sometimes the faster ones do catch you out. But holding up for more than 2 bend/straight is a no-no.


On many sessioned track days, drivers of similar speed cars and abilities will be grouped together. This does help with the " - where the did he come from?" moments.


IMO the tone and content of the drivers briefing often sets the experience for the day. Jonny does a good one for BookAtrack. Emphasises driving standards and what to do in certain situations. Particularly "if there's a car behind you that wasn't there before, it didn't just drop out of the sky, they're going quicker. Doesn't matter what it is, they're going quicker. Back off, and let them go, it's cost you nothing".


Since i've got a paltry 115bhp, I need people to back off on the straights. It's so frustrating to catch them through the bends only for them to ease/fly away down the straights and still be caught again at the next corner. Passing isn't always about straight line speed.


The only way to get track experience is to do more! and enjoy it!




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Thanks Chris, that's useful stuff.


There was quite a speed differential in our group, but it's more the difference in driver ability that's the problem (my problem!). Don't think I've got my head around just how fast these cars can be through bends in skilled hands - so one can be observant when it comes to being aware that there's a car behind, but frankly ignorant about how much quicker they could be through a corner if you weren't there. doh. As you say, it's not just about straight line speed. A guy waving a flag might have got the point across sooner, rather than during my post-trackday pondering....


this is all seeming obvious with hindsight...



"The only way to get track experience is to do more! and enjoy it!"


ta! I needed that, I was starting to get depressed!


I could add to the quote... 'get some instruction'!!




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Dave, sorry for not saying hello! Your car looks nice and I think there is something more about it than you are letting on - it was certainly moving quickly enough!


I agree with the comments about letting cars through, quite a few times I was stuck behind someone who I could easily catch in the bends but once on the straight they either held the line or moved across but kept their foot in it - so I still struggled to pass. I remember in the third session I was stuck behind someone for a couple of laps and a long queue formed behind me, so on the Dunlop bridge straight I pulled over and slowed to about 40 or 50 and let every one go. This got me out of the queue and gave me some clear space for a while, but within another couple of laps I caught up again - IIRC I got a bit more aggressive and managed to pass.


Nevertheless I really enjoyed it and want to do some more soon *thumbup*


Roadsport build photo's here


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Unless I missed something I don't think there were any marshalls out on track and it was all done via cameras and flashing lights-not come across this before

In hindsight given the briefing wasn't particularly good a few problems re overtaking were almost inevitable. What was encoraging in the yellow group was the complete lack of red flags which saved a lot of track time certainly compared to the other groups.

Must admit quite enjoyed having the Elises in the session 😬

Shared a garage with a remarkable gentleman with an orange Superlight/R400?71 years young and enjoying track days-hope I'm the same




1600 VX Black/Ali Race No 110

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There were marshalls out there but not using blue flags. The whole circuit is monitored from 2 angles on TV in race control, (and on race days at least everything is videotaped). So race control call the shots by radio to the circuit crew and control the yellow and red lights around the circuit. I agree the briefing could have been better, there seemed to be an assumption that people had done this before and already knew the rules.


Quite right though - in our group we had no stoppages (AFAIK) unlike the others, a testement to our driving standards *cool*


Roadsport build photo's here


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As I couldn't get up the steps I had a very brief 1 to 1 briefing so missed out on what was actually said in the official one. As the chap went thro' all the flag colours I assumed that this would be implemented as it is on all our club UK and French track days and was taken by surprise when out on track this never actually happened.


From experience after a few laps etc, I suppose you get to know where the marshall posts are and know where to expect any flag waving, although obviously the constant use of ones mirrors helps to prevents hold ups as well as keeping to the right on track.


Anyway helped by the weather I enjoyed my morning sessions on track regardless.


For me its now Roll on Le Sept 8 *tongue*


Geoff *smile*

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Ok for you guys I had to slum it in a Boxster (and I mean that). You can't believe how much slower they are compared with a Seven.

Dave I am very interested in how you manage to get the db down on your car. I am at the point where it is pointless taking my car to Donington until I am able to lower the noise. I have a repackable exhaust but as with you I lot of the problem is with the induction. While I think it sounds great there is a lady about 5 miles from Donnington that has a different opinion. Things would have been made worst by the fact that i was only able to use 3rd gear 😬


Things can only get better *eek*



Buzzin' Bee It's never too late for a happy childhood *cool* *cool* *cool*


You don't stop playing because you get old

You get old because you stop playing




Edited by - Davey Bee on 31 May 2004 18:48:20

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