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Dreams - Men vs Women

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Mrs N


Had a dream last night about me and a woman called Jill. Upon waking I got asked who Jill was. Bear in mind it was HER dream not mine. I said the only Jill I knew was Jill Judd who makes covers for sevens (OK, it was early and it was the first name that came into my head !). I don't think this helped. Am now in doghouse due to a dream.


Mr N


Had a dream last night about summoning the devil by hooking his laptop up to the powergrid somehow and using the network at school. Sadly this, and the devils appearance in East India Dock caused me to get expelled again 😳


So, is this a female trait ? Believing dreams .... in which case I am in league with Lucifer and I do appologies.


Anyone else have any interesting nocturnal happenings (steady !) to report ?


p.s. my dream comes from a book I am reading, The Scar by China Mielville, v good *thumbup* , I am not just bonkers in the nut. Honest. Mooo. Hionk.


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I sometimes wake up convinced that my dreams were real - it can make a very bad (or in some case, very good 😳) start to the day. It's not just a girl thing though - Mr C does it too


And serves you right for knowing anyone called Jill - obviously it's all your fault *tongue*

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It think it probably is my Blatsphemy. ...


On Wednesday, instead of going straight home from the station after work .... I went on a pointless fast drive round the Surrey countryside instead ..... in a non-Seven car *eek* *eek* *eek*



I am going straight to hell (a.k.a Kingswinford *tongue*) for that I guess.

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Why Kingswinford? Stuttgart would seem more appropriate.


I had a weird dream last night but I can't remember what it was about. Nothing as exciting as plumbing my computer into the National Grid to perform necromancy, which sounds like it could be a bit of a larf.


Oh yeah, that dream, I remember now. It was about a job I've been interviewed for, but the dream was complete drivel - though it seemed worryingly real for about two minutes when I woke up.


Mrs M has mistaken me in her sleep for our (then) baby daughter and has grabbed hold of me in the middle of the night to stop me falling out of bed. That was popular, I can tell you. I'm unaccustomed to being called "Rachel" at the best of times, but at two o'clock in the morning, it's quite disturbing, literally and metaphorically. She has also had the hump with me for most of the morning after I was apparently quite nasty to her in a dream. I found that distressing and so was quite nasty to her anyway. Cause and effect.


Still can't tell you who Jill is. Could have been a Gill if that's any use.


Edited to add a bit and then again to remove some syntactical infelicities. Left all the b*ll*cks in, though....it must be Friday. Ho hum, la di da.


Edited by - Meldrew on 21 May 2004 11:20:19


Edited by - Meldrew on 21 May 2004 11:21:54

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"Hi! It looks as though you're trying to summon up an evil spirit!


Do you want to:


- summon Beelzebub himself

- create a few little and mildly irritating demons

- rain frogs on the surrounding area

- start with a blank zombie outline and create your own?"



Bl**dy Microsoft garbage!


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//Thread hijack//


Boonie - are you coming to Snetterton, or shall I post your video back?


BTW - I was stunned by the number of Home and Away episodes I scrolled through before realising that 5th Gear was right at the start of the tape! I guess you have to make your own entertainment in the Fens!


//Unhijack thread//


G 4 Geoff


Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad *wink*



619 GTD here

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I would just like to state for the record that I do not watch Home and Away and any further mention will constitute a libel which I will consider taking action for - I'm at work so can't possibley see it - this action of course can be stopped by you giving me your 7....I'll get my coat



Keep the tape if you want - please record over Home and Away - sorry won't be at Snett but will be on my hols.

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Apologies to Boonie - all those 5th Gear tapes were turned into "Home & Away" by my attempts to unsummon the toad and raise further devilment after I had rebooted.


All it did was wipe Boonie's tapes and make a pigeon cack on my car.


I just can't get the bl#@dy thing to work. Sorry.


MS technical support are no help either. They just put me on hold for half an hour and then told me to put fresh chicken entrails into the cd-rom drive.

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the chicks on H & A are HOT


What's the betting one of them is called Jill, and the other one is Gill! Going to Australia for your holidays, Boonie...?





G 4 Geoff


Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad *wink*



619 GTD here

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No luck, Noger: it's just that I had an egg sandwich for lunch. Sorry 'bout that. 😳


Still can't get it to work. Apparently the cabbalistic incantations in the registry are corrupted.


I have got a new runic font that appeared from nowhere, though, and it plays snatches of Black Sabbath songs on startup.


Edited by - Meldrew on 21 May 2004 16:15:26

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