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Blatmospheric Conditions...

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Blattack of the Clones - when you see some Westfields out on a blat-alike


Blatalike - what the drivers of other LSIC go out on


Blatsphemy - swearing at tintop drivers who tailgate you or cut you up whilst on a Blat


Oh dear, I'm not going to get much work done this afternoon


Supercheese R250

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Blatlas - without one you might get lost


Blatom bomb - what goes off when you get home 2 hours late from a Blat


Blattorney - what you'll need if too many Blatom bombs wreck your marriage


Blatic - the space in your roof space where you can hide upgrades from your other half


Blattempt - you go out to the garage and find your battery is flat


Blattire - lots of waterproof clothing


Supercheese R250

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Blat-in-the-hat - wearing a helmet when aeroscreening or wearing any other sort of outrageous head attire.....mentioning no names, Mav *wink* 😬


Blattery will get you everywhere - a practice usually performed by ballast to gain a ride or drive, naming no names...Boonie. i.e 'blimey, that's a lovely car, great colour, yes, clamshells are better/ worse, what's under the bonnet...well that's nice of you to offer me a ride/ go."

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Demoblatic = Describing a decision taken jointly by a group of blatters; however...

Demoblat = Taking someone on their first ballast blat.

Inblatuation = Rite of passage that turns ballast into a true Blathead.

Blatistics = all the facts and figures of your blats (at the risk of going beyond Blathead to Blatherer).


Not forgetting:


Blatcessories = Accumulation of Seven-linked items consisting of:

Blatwear = pixie boots, blatgoggles, blathat, blatjacket, etc. and

Bric-a-blat = books, models, pictures. etc.



😳 nothing...

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Blatlick - lesbian in a se7en

Blathole - leaves his mates behind at a junction

Blatsplat - last thing a bug thinks before hitting windscreen




Steve B

Big Black Beast^3 SV VHPD

USA 2005: How the West Was Driven

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Oh what a blatmosphere, I love a party with a happy blatmosphere... etc, etc...


Bookablat - trackday people


Blatmobile - means of blat, ie, "Quick Robin, to the Blatmobile!" POW! WHACK! BLAT!?!


Blatent - Going for a blat on puropse.


Baa baa blat sheep - Welsh blatter *confused* *eek*


To hell and Blat - Motorway jam in a se7en, on a bank holiday, in the rain, with no hood, needing the toilet,...


Blatent (2) - Camping kit in a seven


Schublatter - a very good driver of sevens.


Sept blatter -






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