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Dry sumping x-flow supersprint.


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Has anyone got a dry sumped x-flow in or near to West Yorkshire I could view.Wanted guidance on plumbing, fitting, mounting of tank etc.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Tel 01484 862979.Thanks Bullman.



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About to embark on thesame project, bought the kit from Caterham but not guidance notes sent . Managed to talk to a very helpful R&D engineering student who managed to raid the archives and set me all the building notes which includes a memo from Mike Dixon dated1989 which emphasises the need to drill a 1/16th hole in the block to an oil gallery to lubricate the screw gear!

Have snt hem diret to you by e-mail.



Geoff Lofthouse

H7GSL 1700 Supersprint

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Don't do it!


Admittedly this is a personal opinion, but there should be plenty of oil splashing around to lubricate the skew gears, even on a dry sumper.


That little hole is the first thing the pressurised oil encounters when it enters the engine and you can see quite large pressure losses because of it when the oil gets hot.


Dry sumping, on the other hand is an excellent idea, but PLEASE don't fit the oil filter in the official Caterham location. It's just about the lowest point of the car (wheels aside), and guess what can happen if you drive over something in the road?


Edited by - roger king on 1 Jun 2001 18:29:20

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