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Henry (again)


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Well, the vet says he doesn't want to remove the eye - it's more of an abcess rather than a tumour, so he'll just sew up the eyelid to protect it for a few weeks *eek* and try oral antibiotics (the eye-cream was impossible to administer).


Nadgers will be whipped off though *thumbup*


Dunno what the bill will be, but the pre-inspection estimate was around £220-£340 quid.... ....and the clumsy sod destroyed around £250 quids worth of china last night (tried walking along a windowsill - knocked over a plant stand with two nice pots on it - he's not really been a terribly indoor type-cat, so hasn't worked out that a large tom doesn't balance very well on a 2-3" wide ledge....)




Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Good news about Henry's eye *thumbup* We'll keep everything crossed for him and send commiserations over the los of his..ahem...you know whats 😳


We too are blessed with some of the nimblest, most agile cats on the planet. George (who can't walk along an arm of a sofa without falling off) recently trashed a picture, just by sitting on the window ledge as far as I can work out, but our favourite 'incident' involved Henry (no surprises there then) jumping on to a tall cupboard we have in the dining room. Not a problem you would think. Except that we keep quite a lot of wine on top of the cupboard, and the dozy s*d managed to knock one of the bottles off. Again, not so bad you'd think, apart from the fact that we have mostly stone floors *eek* As experiment one day try dropping a bottle of red wine from a height of roughly 6' onto a stone floor and see what happens... *eek* *eek* *eek*


I'm sure we'll find all the glass...one day...no really...



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Hmm, it was a gnats chuff under £100 *thumbup*...


...but with no guarantee that the eye won't have to come out in a few weeks anyway *thumbdown*


He's an evil-looking bugge* at the moment - might take a piccie to scare people with *eek*


He doesn't 'alf want to get outside though... ...and considering that he's not used the scrabbly-boxey* for anything other than taking a leak since Wednesday, I just hope the vet let's him out tomorrow...


*It's cat language, see? Not to be confused with the rattley-boxey which contains cat treats**


**aka "bics for cats" - i.e. what George gets after a "brushey-brush-brush"


Is that taxi still here? *confused*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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he's not used the scrabbly-boxey* for anything other than taking a leak since Wednesday
What's the bet that you'll find his little stash pretty soon!


😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬


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What's the bet that you'll find his little stash pretty soon!


Erm, well, given that neither of the cats normally uses the scrabbly-boxey (and go outside), we're not used to the considerable niff he created a few days ago - so I *think* we'd know by now... *wink*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Hi Myles


Only just picked up on this. Best wishes to Henry. I'm sure Julie's kitty, Jag, would want to wish him well too, if he hasn't already on the "cat network"!


Me, I like other peoples cats but am not too keen on having one of my own as I like to encourage birdies into my garden. Ahhhhhh!


And are you sure the vet sewed up the right bits when he whipped Henry's nadgers off? May explain why he hasn't had a dump for a while? *wink*





NN 😳

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We actually get plenty of birds in the garden - neither of our two appear to be very interested in catching presents for their owners (unlike several previous felines).


We *have* noticed slightly more bird activity since the cats were shut up though - but only from 'known' dickies.


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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