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Henry (again)


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When I woke this morning, Henry (the big, black tom - as can be seen in the shedders gallery) had one eye closed with some green pus leaking from it. I cleaned it up a bit and took him to the vet - seems he has (most likely) some sort of tumour in his eye that has decided (pretty much overnight) to 'kick-off'.


We've been given some antibiotic gel stuff - but the vet reckoned it was unlikely to do much good and that he is quite likely to lose the eye...


🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻


Poor sod.


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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I'm so sorry to hear that Myles ☹️ Any chance it's just an infection rather than a tumour? Having said which cats are so adaptable, I'm sure he'll manage well with just one eye if he has to. Our neighbours have an almost blind Siamese who manages brilliantly.


Let us know how Henry gets on. We'll keep our *thumbup* *thumbdown* crossed for him.




Edited by - Mrs GTD on 4 May 2004 15:42:04

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We'll have to wait and see...


An infection *does* sound pretty likely to me - I was away over the w/e, but he was absolutely fine when I left, and my mother said that he seemed OK yesterday apart from a little discharge around the eye - but nothing to worry about.


His eye is currently filled with almost luminous green goo... and it's gumming up with the same stuff on the outside too...


He seems happy enough though -I managed to get him to swallow a (kitty) painkiller and he is eating healthily (was very thin this morning though).


Hey-ho. Fingers crossed indeed. *thumbup* *thumbdown*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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☹️ Oh no. Hope it is *just* an infection and he gets over it soon.


If he doesn't then try not to worry too much. My cat only has one eye - similar kind of thing, some kind of tumour - they tried to save the eye, but were unable to. She looks a bit lopsided, but still very cute and she manages just fine...despite sometimes running in circles.




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But chin up Miles *thumbup*.


Cats seem to do very well with only one eye, but I hope that it does not come to that. Just nip down the road and buy him some Kittybits, that will keep him happy *smile*


Wishing all the best.



Comes with a public health warning


Edited by - Woggle on 4 May 2004 18:32:31

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Our Henry decided to bring home yet another baby rabbit *mad* We persuaded him to drop it in the garden by a bush. Imagine our *eek* when we looked under the bush for said rabbit only to discover it had 'done a runner'.


GTD and I then spent an amusing few minutes chasing Baby Thumper round the garden - GTD in bare feet, and our garden's beach themed, so mostly pebbles


Still we now know there is a God. At that point the heavens opened and 1/2" of rain fell on us.


Thumper was fianlly released back to the wild, with an interesting story to tell his thousands of grandchildren 😬



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And I reckon it's going to be a bit that that story of the thorn in the lion's paw. One day Angie and I will need help and there will be the sound of little feet running along and a bunny miming 'The GTD's are trapped in the old mine'! a la Skippy!




G 4 Geoff


Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad *wink*



619 GTD here


Edited by - GTD on 5 May 2004 12:48:27

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Bad Boonie 😳


Maybe it was just a typo 😳


...bugle the house, perhaps (to summon the troops)?



Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻


Edited by - Myles on 5 May 2004 14:45:44

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Poor Henry - hope he is ok - mind you, I'm going to take it as a warning- if seeking medical attention for a dodgy eye can lead to your nadgers being removed, I am going to cancel that optician's appointment!! *eek* *eek* *eek*


G 4 Geoff


Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad *wink*



619 GTD here


Edited by - GTD on 5 May 2004 17:06:13

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