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Optimax, Ultima etc


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Plenty written about octane in the archive I'd guess. I personally don't believe one brand is better than the other. I'd prefer a higher octane regardless of brand. Octane reduces a fuel's tendency to self detonate under high pressure and/or temperature. It doesn't give you more power... but it might allow your engine to be tuned for more power. If it hasn't been tuned for it, it won't benefit in terms of power but it might help the engine last longer if you are already close to self detonation. It will increase the margin of safety. Whether you need that additional margin or not depends on the state of tune of your engine.


By "tune" I'm talking about compression and ignition advance.

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Sounds like an alternate Optimax and Ultimate strategy is good (excellent as I live between Shell and BP garages).


Fuel consumption at the weekend was shocking (on an Optimax fill), but not sure if that was related, or some particularly hard sunny-weather driving. Only got a 213 mile tank (I expect 250).


My ... Preciousss!

Member #109**

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I always use Optimax when I can, or at the least Super. Caterham recommend the car is run on this for track days anyway. I'm aware it won't provide more power but it should protect the engine better from knocking so I figure the extra is worth it. At track days, you will find everyone wants to run on Optimax so I guess it has built a solid reputation already. I'd swear my old P1 ran better on Optimax, smoother and better torqu but I think it's psychological benefit as much as a real difference.


The cleaning aspect I'm not convinced but I suppose injectors and things can get mucky and Optimax might help, I don't think it would make a difference to the bores or anything like that.




shrewdcookie - my Caterham site - now with carbon fibre airbox pictures !

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Well, I play it safe and go for Optimax where possible...


...it might be completely unrelated, but my engine got damned good emissions results at its MOT last week (even given the fact that it's a std. 1.6k with a cat)



Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Optimax claims 98 I think and Ultimate 97 (the standard for Super)


I've also tried some lethal additive concoction that claimed to be developed by NASA, provide nitrous-like boosts and the like. total snake oil and made no difference at all - glad it was a free sample.




shrewdcookie - my Caterham site - now with carbon fibre airbox pictures !

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BP claimed Ultimate was 99... nice..!!


Count, your P1 may (likely) have had a knock sensor and therefore might have been able to self-advance until just before knock set in, therefore I'd have expected it to run better on hiher octane fuels than a Cat which has no such learning ability.


The only way a Caterham would run better if on higher octane fuel is if it was tuned to use it. Therefore it is not running better, it is running RIGHT, and therefore on lower octane fuels it is runner poorer.

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If possible a fill of leaded every now and then for non cat equipped cars is supposed to beneficial. Lucky enough to have several garages in the area which still sell leaded, but make sure you are sitting down when it comes to paying for it!
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Regards your question about cleaning? I recently had a snag with my tin top and took it to an fuel injection specialist. After having a look at it, he asked me if I use supermarket fuel. "Yes, as it's cheaper".

According to him, and the Dept Of Transport, (He informed me that they had just been sent a memo by them, regarding cars failing emmissions tests on MOTs, due to the Lambda sensors gumming up, due to poor detergent levels in supermarket petrols), the more expensive fuel IS better. However if it makes you go faster, who knows??? *confused* You pays your money you takes your chance.

Cheers Rob

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Supersport spec cars (and presumably any higher spec Ks) have the ECU set for higher octane fuel.


Caterham told me you would not notice the difference unless trying to ring the last 5% out of it on track, however, I'm certain mine prefers Optimax.




Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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There's no setting in an ECU for octane. Petrol of a certain octane number is needed in an engine (any petrol engine) to prevent detonation. The higher the compresion ratio the greater the chance of detonation therfore a higher octane is required. In a regular car detonation can often be heard; it's far more difficult in a noisy Se7en. Therfore to be on the safe side it's wise to use a higher octane fuel.



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There's no setting in an ECU for octane. Petrol of a certain octane number is needed in an engine (any petrol engine) to prevent detonation.


I don't believe this - although it might be a red-herring...


My fathers old Cavalier SRI (Mk III IIRC) had a two-way connector in the engine bay - one way of connecting it was for 95RON and the other was for SUL (IIRC)... No cat to worry about - so what was it for if it wasn't to nudge the ECU in the right direction...???


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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On my tintop (205gti), I found the economy from tankful of Esso Superplus to be well down on the alternative: ordinary unleaded plus Castol Lead additive with octane boost. Works on the crossflow in the Seven too. And cheaper - about 4p a litre for the concentrate.
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