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Just got back from Llandow, huge thanks to Dave Jackson for a superb weekend both the track day and sprint went brillantly (4 timed runs in the sprint!!) and the scorching weather just topped of the weekend.


Also thanks to Rob Margel for letting me double drive his car this weekend, it all ended up very close in Class three after three timed runs Adrian and myself were seperated by just 0.02s! Adrian managed to pull a stonking lap out of the bag on the last run to take 1st in class with an 81.43, I ended up 81.79 with Dave McFarlane a little further back unfortunatly unable to complete the last run due to mechanical problems....


Just need to work out some way to cool my slightly sun burnt face down now 😬




Rob G


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Ditto the above. Big thanks to Dave Jackson, Lisa and everyone else that helped to ensure we all had a great day. Weather was a real bonus 😬

Thought we were going to give a few more of the Class 2 guys a run for their money but things speeded up in the afternoon.

6 runs in total and finished by 3 was pretty impressive- thought the marshalls did a great job.

Hope we get an even better turnout for next year.



1600 VX Black/Ali Race No 110

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Great weekend, *biggrin* thanks to all who helped to put it together. Improved 4 seconds from last year, still not quick enough to worry Adrian in class 3. Looking forward to next year already. Get that weather orderd Dave


Just opened the first ice cool tin *wink*.... Mmmmmm very nice



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So by the *thumbup* *thumbup* I trust you did OK on your first sprint David?


Didn't make it back today as after Saturday in the sun from 8am to 7pm I can't describe the colour of my face - bit like this *mad* but with a smile on


Great day yesterday despite not driving - many thanks to Brodie, David and Simon for the rides. Brodie, I think Carolyn now wants a Hayabusa when she has passed her test 😳


If anyone got any video please drop me a line so that I can include the highlights in the club 2004 DVD


Scream if you wanna go faster!

Caterham FireBlade NJA509

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😬 😬 😬


Just want to add my *thumbup* *thumbup* for a great time this weekend.


Thoroughly enjoyed helping the timers and seeing things from their point of view was a real eye opener. I hope there weren't too many mis-times. Wasn't my fault, honest! *wink*


And, the icing on the cake for me, a cracking blat through the Forest of Dean on the way home. My first time ever through that part of the world. Lovely roads, lovely secenery. The A4somethingorother from Monmouth was superb. I was stuck behind a couple of dawdlers at the bottom of the hill but had a clear straight not far up the climb and cracked past them. Didn't come across another car for a good few miles. Looked like this 😬 for ages!


Well done to all competitors today, especially Mrs Kipper for fastest lady. Woooo hooooo! *thumbup*


See you all at Curborough if not Stoneleigh.




NN 😳


Edited by - No Nuts on 25 Apr 2004 22:45:35

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Just to echo what has already been said, weel done Dave & Lisa *thumbup*, great day out and for me, an unexpected trophy 😬

Many thanks to all the marshalls and the other competitors that make the L7 events such good fun.



Tom *thumbup*

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First time visit for me this weekend and what a cracking weekend it was *thumbup* Really enjoyed the trackday yesterday and it offered tremendous value for the open pit lane with Andy Griffiths showing me how to drift my VX through the bends - what a laugh 😬 and well worth another trip to Sunny Wales *thumbup*


Thanks to everyone for a brilliant weekend *thumbup* 😬 or rather *cool*




Yellow HPC - A 2.0 VX - 😬

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My first sprint, infact first time on a track in a car, and I had a great day. I hope all the other sprints are as good as Llandow was - well organised, great atmosphere, and good weather *smile* Infact, the only thing that could be improved is my times, but that's up to me 😳

Those BECs are seriously impressive as well - first time I've seen them driven properly *thumbup* I know what I'll be doing this winter, and it's not a Crossflow rebuild 😬


J351 TPE - In one piece *smile*

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Like to add my thanks for organising an excellent weeked *thumbup* also very grateful to those who gave up there Sunday to come along and Marshall the sprint, it was very much appreciated.


What I cannot understand is why more people to not come and compete at Llandow *confused*. This is probably the most enjoyable sprint of the season as you get a day of testing with open pit lane for £60 followed by the sprint the next day. The paddock has plenty of room, the Scruitineers come to you (please can we have this at all L7 Club organised events) and you get loads of runs, yesterday it was two practice and four timed runs with award presentations at 3.30pm *thumbup*.


So next time there is a sprint at Llandow come along and see what your missing.


Mark D

Su77on Se7ens *cool*


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I have to echo what everyone has said so far. A superb day. The organisation was fantastic - are we ever going to better 2 practice and FOUR timed runs? A big, big thanks to Dave and all the officials and marshalls.


On a personal note, congrats to Mrs Kipper - her first ever cup 😬. Some might say that how can you give a cup to the fastest lady driver if there was only one - but at least she had the b**** (metaphorically speaking) to enter. After a very nervous first practice, the times came down from 118 secs to 103. Well done Pat.


Come on ladies, there must be more of you out there.


And by the way, I beat Kipper Jnr (could this be the first time?)




P.S. How are Class 2 going to stop Mr Durrant 🤔 He even passed me on the motorway on the way home *eek*


Edited by - Kipper on 26 Apr 2004 07:49:51

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just to add to all the *thumbup* great day Dave thanks to you and all the helpers/marshalls who made the day happen


congrats to all the trophy winners...


Dave - thanks alos for organising the great weather *thumbup* My missus is now a bit annoyed as she has come back from a week in south africa and after 2 days in wales I have more of a tan than her 😬


however the lest said about my performance the better 😳 not one of my better ones, you would have thought with at 6 runs I could do a decent one *confused*


roll on curbugger



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Same *thumbup* from me as well. Fantastic weekend, even though I have now established that my X-flow is definitely off the pace of my superlight last year. But hey that is what upgrades are all about 😬


Congrats to Adrian for another blinding drive in class 3, and to Mrs Kipper for her cup. Sal will be making her debut at Curborough so you will have someone to compete with there at least!


See you in 3 weeks.



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As the 'Friendly Pit Marshall' I'd like to thanks for all the good comments, but it would not have been possible for us to get through a total of 6 runs if you weren't so well behaved & organised yourselves.


Didn't have to shout at too many & never resorted to my pick axe handle once 😬


57 cars through the start line in 35 minutes was all down to you. Thanks for making the day Tell everyone what a great event it is. *thumbup*


How do you get the dead flies off your teeth....... 😬 R5AAH

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I know Kipper has already posted his comments, but I must add my own.


What a great weekend! Superb track, fantastic weather and really friendly crowd.The runs were so slick I found that, no sooner had I finished one run, checked the time and had a drink, it was time to get ready and go again *biggrin*


Many thanks to Dave, Lisa, the marshals and everybody else.


After my first practice time of 118, Kipper Jnr suggested that I set myself a target of 105. As my times fluctuated with each run, I thought this was going to be impossible. Then came run 3. I came in thinking I had done a really good run, only to be told that no time had been recorded  I had a re-run and wondered whether I could do it again. Well, I did and I posted a time of 103.33 and I had beaten my target *thumbup* *biggrin*


I have given my cup pride of place on the mantelpiece 😬


Now, if only I can sort out my gear changing....


NoNuts & Kipper thanks for the comments.


Mrs Kipper 😬 😬 😬 😬


PS Can't any of you guys get your wives/ girlfriends/ daughters/ mothers/ grannies to join in the fun 🤔

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Glad to hear you enjoyed the weekend , and that you all thought it went so smoothly ........... how about what realy happened ....... *wink*


5pm Saturday MST tell me that the timing gear has "blown up " and that we may have "some" timing gear for Sundays sprint *eek* . Following a 5 hour drive to Tamworth in the Midlands and back , then working untill 3am Sunday morning the timing gear was up and running again *tongue*


That was about as close as you could possibly get to not having an event !!!


6 months to organise a whole weekends worth of action is a big enough job , but to be facing a potential cancellation at the 11th hour was rather stressfull to say the least 🙆🏻 .


But it all went OK in the end .


We were getting through each of the runs in 50mins , so I was watching the clock and we just kept on adding more and more runs *thumbup* 😬. It was quite funny as people were starting to come up to me asking where can they get petrol from !!! , and they were concerned that their tyres wouldnt be legal for the drive home !!!, one competitor even pulled out after 2 runs for fear of using a whole seasons worth of slicks in one afternoon 😬 *thumbup* .


For next year I would like 63 competitors , then I can afford a speed trap and pit display *thumbup* plus some even BIGGER trophies !!!


Graham - "next year why not make the whole thing an official L7 club 'weekend of speed' or something similar. "

I'm not quite sure what you mean ?? . It was the "Welsh weekend of speed " 😬


Nick - I have some good footage for you . I'll forward it in aferw days *thumbup*


No nuts - see it was worth the trip *thumbup* *smile* thanks for your help ...


All the Marshalls from out local group - *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* 😬


Kipper Clan - Mrs Kippers first cup was a landmark *thumbup*


Adam - I have your license - Lisa will post it onto you .......


Everyone else - Cheers & see you soon *thumbup*


Dave & Lisa


Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*

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Ohhh one last thing -


the results will be posted shortly *thumbup*


and if anyone could provide some short tales on the weekend please send them to me so that I can do a Low flying article *thumbup* *wink*




Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*

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Dave, pleasure!


I was logging the start and finish times on my timing sheets of the runs. I can't remember whether it was the penultimate or last timed run but I logged it at 28 minutes from first car out to last car finished. Yes, you heard right, 28 minutes!!! OK, we had a 5 minute breather between runs to catch our breath! The longest session was, I think the second timed, when someone pulled off just before the finish and then there was another recover required too and we ran to 50 minutes.


We had three cars on track pretty much the whole time. When everyone stayed on the black stuff and pulled in to the pits when they should have *wink* (no one missed the exit during the timed runs) it was absolutely great - like clockwork, literally, to the point when I knew the start timer would call me with the next car leaving the line just as the finishing car was approaching the last bend!


Some of you guys were getting quite "keen" towards the end of the day and er, how shall I say, perhaps overcooking it slightly on the last bend. They must have wondered what was going on in the timing office as I was often chuckling if not hooting with laughter (I was on open mic)! There were a couple of occasions though when I was considering my escape route down the back of the bank upon which I was sat. *eek*


As I said earlier, a fascinating insight into what goes on outside the cockpit, especially at a circuit sprint! If you have contact with MST Dave, please thank them again for making my day great fun.


Oh, and I have a helluva sun tan today! 😬


Thanks again!



NN 😳

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Wow- I must say that was the best sprint i've ever competed at! *smile*


Congratulations to all organisers, marshalls, friendly competitors, and the good lord himself for such beautiful weather! Track was immensively fun, didnt really care about my times cos I was enjoying it so much, and sooo many runs! wohoo!


Yep, special congrats to Mrs Kipper, me and Kipper Jnr were watching, and you looked coool as a cucumber! Brilliant performance!


*thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*



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Had an excellent day marshalling. Watching the cars go through the chicane and sideways around the penultimate corner was excellent - would thoroughly recommend marshalling to anyone.




One car - 1400 Supersport with 6 gears and clamshell wings. *smile*

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Just like to add my thanks to Dave and all concerned who helped to make this such a fantastic weekend *thumbup*


Not sure about 4 timed runs though - that last run bumped me out of 3rd place in class 2 (but well done Mike *thumbup*).


For my money this is the most enjoyable venue and event in the championship. To all those who don't compete here, please try to support it in future - the more money Dave has available the more toys (like speed traps etc) we get to play with. Llandow is really not at the end of the earth - the drive back to the Dartford area took just 3.5 hours.


Right, where's the aftersun........




Andy Nicholls


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Ahh the one advantage of not having to tow my car, I got home to Kent in 2hrs40mins 😬, it's a lot closer than it looks!


I've got about 45mins of video footage of both mine and Rob Margel's timed runs, the cameras a bit wobbly at points as it turns out the base plate broke about halfway through the day!! I'll try and get it sorted out and up on a website this week.


Rob G


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