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Desperate for decent diet please chaps.


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Ok, scenario is this:-


Me & Mrs C need to trim down a little 😳 not much, you understand, but just enough to allow us to get into last years summer clothes. Mrs C can't do the Atkins for specific health reasons and I don't want to give up on the beer.


Now I don't eat anything other than fruit during the day and Mrs C visits the Gym regularly but the pounds don't seem to be falling away from either of us.


I always thought that healthy, moderate diet with plenty of exercise would keep us slim so question is this:-


Why isn't a combination of these things working or do we both have to be sticking to the same regime????? *wink*





Zetec 209

Reassuringly Expensive


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You'll only lose weight if you burn more energy than you consume - it doesn't matter what sort of energy it is (fruit or McDonalds), if you're eating more than you're burning you still won't lose weight. To work out if you are doing this is difficult - calorie counting and so on.


Low impact exercises (ie ones you can do for ages without injuring yourself) are good for getting the heartbeat going - swimming or cycling are good. The key is to get the heart going probably in the range of 110 to 130bpm for at least 30 mins per day. *thumbup*




72422 miles and driven daily

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P.S. I eat whatever I like (lots of pie, chips and pizza) but run 50 - 70 miles a week so fit the 7 comfortably with a good power to weight ratio *tongue*


72422 miles and driven daily


Edited by - ewenm on 21 Apr 2004 16:36:25

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So what you're saying then is that it's no good if Mrs C is doing the exercising and I am the one eating less?


What if we swap round and she eats less whilst I exercise 🤔





Zetec 209

Reassuringly Expensive


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Having woken up in January and found, like Kafka's Gregor Samsa, that I had unexpectedly metamorphosed overnight into a fat bastard, I embarked on much the same as you are proposing, Brent.


I enrolled in the local gym. I go 3-4 times a week and do about 50 minutes of cardiovascular exercises, trying as hard as I can and moving the resistance levels up as soon as I can do it too easily, and some weights.


I eat much less than I did. Cereal for breakfast, a sandwich and piece of fruit at lunchtime and a pleasant meal in the evening with a glass of wine or beer. Every week or so we have a trip out and I have even been to the pub a few times, but big sessions are rather out, I'm afraid. Eating and, significantly, drinking less, is oddly easier if you go to the gym in the evening and eat afterwards. I've found I was too knackered to eat a big meal after intense exercise.


I have so far gone down from 16.5 stone to just over 14.5 stone and still going at the rate of about 2 pounds a week. I am now a smug, fat bastard.


Atkins has always struck me as a bad idea. I can't believe that not eating a well balanced diet is good for you. I suspect, Brent, that if you only eat fruit in the day, you might actually be eating too much in the evening to make up for it. Eating a bit more in the day might help. This is what the sickeningly fit people at the gym tell me, anyway.


I think gyms only work if you try really hard - you see a lot of people popping in and out in 40 minutes or so and sitting on exercise bikes reading books or something. I come out looking like the revolting, sweaty blob I am. But it works. So far......


This is about the only time in my life that I have lost weight and not actually missed eating decent food or having a pint now and again. I don't know whether it's because I'm also becoming an old, smug, fat bastard, but there we are. The proof of it all will be if I don't start doing this all over again next January. *wink*

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Atkins is good for crash dieting (if that can ever be described as good *thumbdown*). Most of the energy you use in a day is generated from carbohydrates. By banning these Atkins forces the body to use its fat reserves so you lose weight. The high fat and protein content of the diet allows the body to continue functioning without breaking down too much muscle mass. This is not sustainable long term and is particularly bad if you tend to do lots of exercise.


The best way to do it is to exercise often (3-4 times a week), eat sensibly and avoid snacking.


Added - oh yeah, cut down on booze too (but not necessary to stop entirely 😬)


72422 miles and driven daily


Edited by - ewenm on 21 Apr 2004 17:32:32

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This time last year Mrs GTD and I decided that enuff was enuff - we kicked the booze Monday to Thursday nights, ate fruit for breakfast and stopped wheat based stuff like pasta and bread. We're both vegetarians, so avoided some of our previous staples like cheese, pasta, anything from Delia's Vegetarian cookbook!


And I lost nearly two stone - Mrs GTD can tell you what she lost, but it worked for her too. Sadly Christmas this year and the dark days of winter stopped some of the exercise and we had slightly too many bottles of the fruit of the grape - so we are now revisiting the above to lose a few pounds before our hols.


In my case, frankly, the answer was don't drink in the week and be a bit more careful choosing what to eat. Exerecise tends to come and go depending where I am working at the time - as a 4 hour a day commuter, sadly I don't burn off many calories in the week beyond walking the tube escalators! Mrs GTD walks between 2 and 5 miles a day to and from the stations, so she burns off more than I do these days!


It was sobering to be told by a neighbour that he didn't call me 'Chunky' any more - I had never pictured myself as being that lardy in the first place!


G 4 Geoff


Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad *wink*



619 GTD here here

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my wife was huge and now shes tiny, all she eat was her lunch, based on the principle that if you eat your main meal earlier you have more time to burn it off - it worked, she lost 6 stone in two years, the other thing to do is do it slowly, if you loose it all quick you have a greater tendancy to put it back on quick, now I on the other hand am only 8 stone, and most of that is rippling muscle, so I don't really need to diet - oh and I have it on good authority that if you don't eat bread at all you will loose weight.


BTW don't listen to mav about dieting cos hes massive, 18ft tall, full of pies, and cake, and whisky, and he smells of hens (actually last time I saw him he'd lost weight so maybe a diet of pies isn't so bad, doesn't get rid of the hen smell though *tongue*)


so don't eat the following:


anything after 2.00pm









easter eggs




cheese (alledgedly even really smelly cheese is bad for your weight)







asparagus (although its an aphrodisiac so you could play it off against the impending exercise, although you'd be eating it before 2.00pm so you'd be all excitable at work as opposed to at home - which could be tricky)




marzipan (although tempting, its mainly nuts, nuts is bad)



fish (its just cruel and you'd never catch me eating them)


if you follow these basic rules and buy some expensive gym equipment your never going to use you'll be tiny in no time.



edited to ask meldrew how long he was asleep for before he woke up in January, Its only because I once had a really big sleep and was just wanting to compare notes



Edited by - Buda on 21 Apr 2004 20:13:21

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I come & go when it comes to diets.


My weight goes up & down like a tart's knickers, for example, I managed to lose nearly 2 stone before getting married (mainly so I could fit into my kilt comfortably which I got 12 years ago 😳).


I have just embarked on a fresh diet for LeMans (kilt again) *thumbup*


I just cut back on the booze *eek* & go sensible with the scran *thumbup*



BTW, a mate of mine lost a stone in an afternoon!

He got a bollock cut off! 😳


Rrrrrrrrrrroooossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!! *tongue* here

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Depends where you are.


In Amer'ca, that handle is given to Milwaukee's Best, cos it's cheap & strong, and therefore all the rednecks choose it to pile onto the back of their pick-up trucks next to the barking mongrel, gun, and in-bred offspring. *thumbup*


I enjoyed very much, thanks.


My son (2) sometimes pads about the house in his pants & vest, due to the fact that he regularly slabbers his food down his top & onto his breeks.


This encourages me to shout "Way-hay son! You've got yer wife-beater vest on!"


My darling wife does not fully approve, she maybe worries about my influence on the lad.


If he grows up to be as stable as me, I will have succeeded in my role as a father *wink*


Rrrrrrrrrrroooossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!! *tongue* here

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my diet has lost me 1.5 stone in 3 months and I expect I'm now below my recommended weight - the plan is the following:

2-3 gym visits a week. and when you vist don't just mince about you should be seriously knackered. the first few time s you need to be gentle or it will take you a week to recover. After that I tend to think I've not donw enough if I can still see at the end of it. 1000 calories is a nice round number to try and burn off.

to lose 1lb a week means 500 calories more burnt than consumed each day - so doing the above means eating the same loses you 1lb a week

dont goto the pub after the gym - you'll undo all the good work

no chocolate, no cakes, no cream, no buter, no lard.

if you're peckish a glass of milk is good as is fruit juice

I do no brekfast, eat a salmon sandwich at 12pm and then something light for tea. half a pack of fresh pasta after exercise, tuna sandwiches otherwise.

cycling to work (3 miles each way for me) is VERY VERY good

beer is VERY bad - try wine or G&T instead


ass ewen says - its a case of energy in minus energy out, every 3500 calories saved is a pound of weight lost.


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Ice Cream diet is the only way to go... not Ben & jerrys stuff, but slightly less lardy version.


Theory is,that the cold ice cream cools your body core down. As (most of us) are warm blooded you body will have to generate more heat to warm you back up. The energy taken to do that is greater than the energy in the ice cream its self. Therefore on the more-out-less-in theory the weight will fall off.... 😬 😬



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What GTD said worked for us. I lost 28lb last year, and although I put some back on over the winter (10lb *eek*) I'm back on the diet and I've now lost half of it again.


One of the best inventions is spray olive oil. It's amazing how little you really need to cook with, but we all tend to glug it in out of the bottle. We gave up bread, pasta & rice, because we found no matter how low fat the sauces were that we ate with rice & pasta, and how innocent the sandwich fillings were we didn't lose weight.


Potatoes on the other hand are great. We also majored in salads & barbecues (it's nearly barbecue weather again *cool*), and ate our own body weight in fruit and veg, ensuring we never felt hungry (grapes are particularly good at filling you up, and yummy to boot).


Sadly the booze did go Monday to Friday, but we drank pretty freely at the weekends 😬. BTW - it's better to have vodka or gin with diet tonic than a glass of wine.


I don't particularly believe in slavishly counting calories, but changing eating habits to fresh, and where possible raw food (not pigs & cows & sheep & chicken & fish you understand 😬), cutting out alcohol, fat and certain carbohydrates and some moderate exercise (30 minutes walking a day should do it) certainly worked for us. Luckily neither of us have a particularly sweet tooth either.


I passed these suggestions onto a friend who was getting married, and it worked for him too.


Enough talk about food - I'm off to eat my pineapple & raspberry fruit salad topped with yoghurt.



pants are steering carbon fibre wheels *confused*


Edited by - Mrs GTD on 22 Apr 2004 08:29:15

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Buda - about 36 years, mate...


Pat - Er, no...


Edited again to add that it's good to see Buda back in the sheds. I was only thinking last night that Blatchat was missing something without its funniest contributor. The People demand more from Buda, dark Lord of surrealism!


Edited by - Meldrew on 22 Apr 2004 08:39:27


Edited by - Meldrew on 22 Apr 2004 08:51:37

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