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Caterham Blackbird


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I recently bought a Caterham Blackbird off ebay and now want to sell it again. I already have a superlight that I will be keeping. I thought the Blackbird was sensible money and I am now looking to get my money back for it. I had to do a 600mile round trip to collect it and have spent £400 on a non refundable insurance policy. I am looking for offers around £17500 which I think is a bargain.


I have done one trackday in this car at Anglesey over the easter weekend and the car is very quick indeed. It was built to compete in the Nurburgring 24 hr race but never raced due to some rule changes?


i thought I may fall in love with the car but I cannot bring myself to part with the superlight.


If you want a very capable and quick road / track car then this will be ideal.


If any one wants to call me or see the car then I can arrange pretty much any time.


07734 227038

01772 603968





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Can you guys give me a little feedback please? I thought this was a bargain. I know Caterham cars have had one for ages but it is a year older and nearly £3k more expensive!!!


I have had mail from 3 people so far regarding the car but other than that no real feedback.


What do you all reckon. There have been over 200 views and not one comment on here!


Am I really going to have to ebay it again or stick in a publication?


I know the ads only been up a day but at the price I am really surprised no-one has come to see it yet?

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Ok, you asked for it *cool* I don't know if people know what it went for on Ebay, but assuming it's JR's car, it appears that you're looking for a healthy profit on it. The fact that you've spent money on insurance and moving it 300 miles north doesn't really add value to the car despite your losses. In fact there's probably more Seveners in the south of the country so you've possibly moved the car to a less desirable location to sell from.
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Fair comment. It was John's car.


I have also put offers in the region of £17500. Not no offers. What I am saying is that no-one has even thought to make an offer.


I have sold many cars in the past. I currently own 4 myself. What is it about Caterhams that makes people think they aren't allowed to make an offer. Is it becaus CC themselves won't budge on their price.


If someone wants to make me an offer near to what I paid, I may consider.


Oh and to save any fannying about, I gave £16,600 for it a few weeks ago, but at least I had the balls to buy a car unseen and over 300 miles away.

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& frankly the fact that you've bought a car that you now don't want is your own Silly fault. It's even dafter to publicise the fact that you expect purchasers to sub the travel & insurance costs that you incurred in making your mistake *eek*


Good luck in selling it anyway. It's a good car.

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Alright then, I really didn't expect to start a slanging match with this one but you guys have to admit that £17k is cheap for a car like this. This is the reason that I decided to buy it, the price was good. I have also wanted to try a bike engined car for a while now and it seemed a feasible idea to try the ultimate one and then sell it on.


I already have a Superlight that I will not get rid of. The Blackbird is of course a lot quicker but I reckon that I am quick enough already in the Superlight.


Is it really that wrong of me to have wanted to see what one of these can do and potentially lose less money than it would have cost me to hire one???


There is bu**er all wrong with the car, I have just decided that my Superlight is staying with me, and I am now happy that I know what a Blackbird drives like. Come on, everyone on this site must be nuts about cars , otherwise why are we here. Last year I bought a scooby wrx sti type UK from an auction at a fair price to see what it was like. I had it for a month and then sold it to a dealer down south for what I paid for it. This is not the first time I have bought a car just to satisfy a curiosity.


As it turns out, there was no reson why I wanted to keep the sti type uk over an older model and this time, there is no reson why I want to keep a Blackbird over a Superlight.


I would also like to point out that I was bidding for the car on Ebay fairly and squarely unlike some others!


If someone is interested in this car, and I know a lot of you already know the car, so you know it is a genuine piece of kit then let me know. Otherwise I would appreciate the wise cracks being kept to yourselves. If you genuinely feel that people need to know something about the car then feel free to make your feelings heard but please no more digs about why I ould want to sell or making a profit etc etc.


It is still early days for advertising the car and there are still plenty of options available to me, I put it on here first because we are all generally fanatics about cars and this is also where I bought my Superlight from.


I thank you. Sorry to all the genuine guys out there for my rant but I would assume now that there should be no more slating competitions going on here!!

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I trust that my last post explains briefly why I want to now sell the car on. If anyone wants a fuller story or would like to speak to me in person then please feel free to contact me directly.


My e-mail address is available off this site and I think my tel. numbers are in my first post.



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Hi Charlie. I appreciate your comment. I just don't enjoy being called stupid by other Seveners!!! There should be no need in a community like this. I am a genuine seller and a genuine enthusiast of most things on 4 wheels, especially Caterhams. If you want to contact me then you have my numbers/email address - feel free to do so.
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Guys, cut out all the subjective b******t. This is a sales forum for people to buy & sell. If 'Wahey' makes a profit so beit. If he makes a loss that's his pigeon as the purchase was his decision.


In future 'Wahey' - if your posting a sale - stick to the objectiveness, features etc. Don't invite opinions. Most intersted parties will want a genuine reason for sale which you can discuss on a one to one basis. If its well priced, the right spec it'll gather attention without you having to distress it.


As a matter of interest, I had a W*******d megablade ... did 395 miles.. sold it as it was not what I wanted for my main use which was ROAD USE/touring! We all have our reasons.




SV R300 (by virtue of spec not price)

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Cheers Timbo.


Guess I asked for it wanting feedback!


Any interested parties feel free to make contact. I may keep it for a month or two yet if interest is not great. If someone wants to make an offer or view the car then I am of course open to offers.


Oh, anyone into motorbikes on here? I also have a Ducati Monster that I will be putting up for sale over the next few weeks. Again, contact if info wanted.



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Rich, I didn't make you an offer because I checked back for prices Blackbirds had sold for previously and these were some way below what you were charging. Plus I couldn't be sure that your car was an "official" Caterham Blackbird, which might affect its value in the future, much as non James Whiting Fireblades, IMHO, will also not be worth as much as official ones.


All just my own thoughts and I am sure that your car is of a superior spec. to a number of those cars that I reviewed (including the car that CC have had for ages, which ISTR started off with a naff instrument pack.)


I was going to mail you back to let you know, but this has saved me the trouble!


Having done my research, your detractors ought to be aware that JR tried to sell this car over a period of about a year on and off at a price that started at £24,000 and dropped to something like £19,000 before he put it on ebay in March.


I personally have no problem with anyone making a profit - at the end of the day if I think the price is right I'll buy it. If not, I won't. Good luck with the sale and don't forget Findit.co.uk and Pistonheads.com, both of whom offer free ads....and why not try Paul Stephens, who is known to buy and SOR unusual Caterhams.



Timbo - I see your old car is now at Paul Stephens for much the same price as you were selling it at - small world eh?

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Some useful feedback there Mark. Thanks.


I must be honest, I am no expert on valuing Caterhams and certainly not unusual ones, I just enjoy driving them.


The first I had heard about this car was when I saw an ad at £19,750 then on ebay. I know John was a total fanatic and he genuinely believed his Blackbird was the best one going so I guess that is why he was hoping to get more for it.


I will have a look into the other sites you have mentioned in a few days. I will give it half a chance on here first.

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Wahey......I am sorry, but I have to say this, you have made your reasons for selling very clear. what I cannot understand is your attitude.


You place an advert for a desirable and rare Caterham on a club site at just past 11 in the morning , you give it half a day and have a rant all on your own because nobody buys or posts interest... *confused*.


Get real Wahey please, you are not doing your best to court your potential buyers are you!


I too am considering a BEC Caterham, but a Fireblade alas.

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What is it with all you guys? Too much vitriol in the water north of Essex? Wahey's first post was not at all aggressive, he was asking for feedback, he didn't rant at all. OK so he invited feedback and gave his reasons for selling the car, why don't you leave it at that.


Prisoner66, you ought to look at a Blackbird engined car you know. This'll have a de dion and dry sump, virtually no 'blade you look at will have them fitted.


Although given your aggressive attitude on this topic and use of the words "considering a BEC Caterham", I'd say you've stuck a marker in the sand as a definitive tyre kicker. 😳

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Stick whatever markers in the sand you like Mark it's your sand not mine.... *tongue*.


My post was not expressing any interest at all in the Blackbird so no tyres kicked yet, but I did feel that a rant was in progress that I thought was unreasonable and made a comment accordingly. Nothing wrong with that at all Mark.


Look on the bright side he's at teh top once again..... 😬 *thumbup*

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