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Do they all squeak so much?


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My 2 year old Classic has a variety of squeaks and creaks from (primarily) the passenger side interior panel area, and they are beginning to drive me nuts. Even on quite smooth roads, there are all kind of squeakity-squeaks coming from that area as I drive along, with a particularly loud SQUEAK on tight right turns (car is LHD). I don't recall such squeaks from either of the 2 other Classics I drove before building mine, but it's possible I just didn't notice being that I was new to the whole Seven experience.


Anyway, I don't mind any of the wind noise, and love the loud exhaust, Webers, etc. But squeaks drive me absolutely insane, and these are annoying me to the point that it really limits how much fun I have driving the car now.


Yesterday I took a can of WD40 and sprayed some everywhere I could think of between panels, etc but to no avail. Just as bad today as ever.


So is this normal? The squeaks that is. I know that I'm abnormally annoyed by them. I'm actually contemplating drilling out all the rivets and pulling the interior panels off to see if I can figure out what's causing it, but that seems rash.


Am I alone?



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Hi Dave, I'm only a novice too but I've read recently that someone found their wiring loom to be the culprit, have a look in the archive to see what they, if anything, did about it. otherwise if it's not what Glen mentioned I was told that squeezing in automotive silicone around the bulkhead can help. Never done it myself but maybe someone could shed some light on this fix???? Possibly it's where the joins are rubbing????? If it doesn't stop it it may help waterproof it. probably need to get the WD40 off before you did it though


Rather a lot of 'mays' and 'ifs' I'm afraid, Good luck


Regards Andrew

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Hi Dave, I have a Classis too and mine is exactly the same!! bought it a couple of years back and the squaking drove me mad! Spoke to Caterham and specialist and it is the panels rubbing against the spaceframe. In the wet, there are no squaks at all! Now I have got used to it but I fully understand. So, no, yours is not the only one - it seems that it is a "characteristic".
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I found that the 4-2-1 manifold on the middle primaries were they meet has a clamp around it and on ocasion it was rubbing against the chassis macking a horible squeek, moved the clamp round a bit,problem solved.


X/FLOW 1700 DD 1990


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Thanks, all, for the thoughts/suggestions. No removable chassis rails (good thought, though. Pretty sure that never would have dawned on me even if I had them!). My hunch based on where I'm hearing it from is that is either panels rubbing, or the rivets issue that Mick mentioned.


Had it out yesterday and it wasn't nearly as bad (for no observable reason) so I'm partially appeased for the moment, but will have a closer look at panel joints and the floor rivets.


Cheers *thumbup*



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Was it raining when you used it yesterday? If so that would confirm what Drifter said.


Would suggest spraying Waxoyl behind the panels and, in particular, down alongside the footboxes which is where the water and cr@p accumulate, causing corrosion. I did mine several years ago and thus far it is (relatively 😬) free of squeaks.





Zetec 209

Reassuringly Expensive



Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 19 Apr 2004 12:59:23

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Sometimes suspension bushes can squeak in the dry. Hose all the suspension and take it out again to check. The cure is rubber lubricant.


Otherwise have an assistant shake the car while you listen and poke about.


Finally, some rattling is traditional. Remember these things are riveted not welded, and there's no sound insulation so any squeaks will be only too apparent.

A coat of underbody goo will stop floorpans and rivets rattling. Mine does this all the time, I'm going to have to stick down all the rivets with mastic. Rubber mats/carpet will damp things too.

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