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Horn Sound

Richard Hammond

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I fitted some Halfrauds 'Fiamm' air horns a couple of weeks ago (as my originals weren't up to much)! Really good blast now. Cost:- only 15 UKP and for a change they have blue trumpets rather than the 'common' red!!!!


Edited by - chris clark on 16 May 2001 00:31:34

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Excuse me Mr Clark, who are you calling common? The gorgeous red on my air horns picks up the red on my 4 point seat belts. It's all about colour co-ordination you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, blue trumpets with a green car?........well some of us have it where others can only dream!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif




Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 16 May 2001 09:00:00

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Where did you locate the air horns? On the scuttle or at the front somewhere. I always think that to pay good money for powerful horns and then bury them within the confines of the bodywork,(although admittedly on a Seven not very confined) was rather a dubious exercise. Is there room for them up front?


It's a job that I have often considered but never actually measured it up.


By the way, stickers are still getting nice comments!



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I was going to fit air-horns but Caterham warned me they'd had a few examples where the horns air-compressor had interferred with the ECU on injection cars. As I'd bought some and found that the compressor weighs a ton (or tonne for the Europeans)I thought better of it - they'll get fitted to my old car instead.


In the past I found the FIAMM electric horns to be pretty loud - certainly loud enough and a good, and much cheaper, upgrade to OEM horns on the few cars I've had with broken horns (the MOT tester who's got a bonnet catch sized dent in the back of his head thought they were pretty effective - his assistant was a bit too enthusiastic...).




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I too have lovely red harnesses, but don't drive with the bonnet off so the colour co-ordination problem doesn't apply here. BUT; the new engine has blue anodised vvc mechanism blanking covers & cam bearing retainers etc so when it all gets fitted the RIGHT bits will be matched!!! Couldn't expect a Zetec owner to understand this. Question of class etc. He He


Andrew R.

Mounted them just in front of the heater box. Sound 'escapes'(violently) very well via the rear O/S louvre etc. Definitely louder than the std. items (and the Fiamm electric horns too!)

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Ah Chris, us Zetec owners are ahead of you I am afraid; you see the red trumpets also match the COMPLETE cam cover, not just blanking covers and bearing retainers. Now what was that you were saying about class? smile.gif thumbsup.gif



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Anyone heard of the "Loud Pedal"????


At Stoneleigh we measured the sound level of my car at 3/4 max revs (6900)and it produced 116db's.(45 deg, 0.5m) So why does one require 118dB air horns??


I always thought the horn is only fitted for SVA/MOT purposes.


Arnie Webb

The Fat Bloke blush.gif in a Fast Temporarily Indisposed Vauxhall wink.gif


See the R500 eater here

See the Le Mans Trip Website here


Edited by - fat arnie on 16 May 2001 20:54:39

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For my car, I went down to the breakers, found a bashed up Granada, took the hooters, made sure they worked, and wired them in. Bog standard Ford parts, plenty loud enough, smaller and lighter than Fiamms and less aggro than air horns. It took two piggy back connectors and about a penny's worth of electrical cable in "wiring", and 15 minutes to fit. Total cost 5 quid, and a bit of effort.


You fit two to make it soung "right". When a pair of hooters are fitted (wether it's Fiamms or air horns or whatever) one is a high tone, one is a low tone. Together they produce that satisfying blast heard from the front of most decent saloons. Alone, they sound crap.



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Your page 1 entry re. loud pedal. Next time some 'old dear' is half way to pulling across your front end remind me that you said to floor the throttle & not brake!

(I thought your 7 was actually remarkably quiet; well Saturday evening anyway!!!)


Brent. Like I said; complete red cam cover = tart colour. More A..e than class!!!!!!!! Rather old Labour if we want to be topical!


Those of you worried about the weight of an 'extra' airhorn should, a) never drive the car with more than 5 litres in the tank at one go or b)go on a diet. All good weight saving excersises!!!!!

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Chris - emergency lane change technique - misses old lady, no need for horn of single or dual variety - needs lots of practice to do instinctively - but is allzo 'great fun' teeth.gif cool.gif


FH wink.gif

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You can't have to put up with the M25 as some of us do or you'd realise that that is an impossible manoeuvre on the 'road to hell' as a fellow Seven owner sang about it!!!


It's funny listening to some of the comments about London traffic after the Emerald RR day a few weeks ago. Some guys from 'up norf' thought the traffic horrendous for a Sunday. I couldn't believe how little there was!!!!!!!


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M25 used regularly (unfortunately) - it's the only way to get to Caterham and back in a day wink.gif


Sundays, well that's another story. At least on the week-days, the people around know what they're doing (albeit badly). At week-ends, you've got the Blue Water, Blue Rinse Brigade who've never had an accident in 40 years (but haven't noticed the carnage they've created behind them blush.gif



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