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db - the "notice & take down" works in US law, but the british libel law goes something like "it still existed, and caused me (or my reputation - sic) pain / hurt / damage" even after it was deleted, it was still originally written and "published". ☹️


I think it's something like "aprox" 20gb bandwidth per month - Barry would be able to confirm.


Bear in mind that this bandwidth is with Blatchats "own" highly customised code and hosting their own SQL server (so total space and searching isn't a problem). Any "other" forum would probably be more "graphical" than text, and therefore possibly much greater throughput than 20gb / month. You'd also pay an arm and a leg for a dedicated sql server with unlimited storage and unlimited queries.


And now you'd better believe us... We're gonna win the cup

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Edited by - Fletch on 8 Apr 2004 12:33:16

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If you're a "club member" (*) can we ask to see a copy of the "50 page report" to draw our own conclusions ?


Can anyone please tell me what it actually says in LF (mine's still not arrived) *confused*


(*) Membership number 10579 (honest guvnah) *tongue*


And now you'd better believe us... We're gonna win the cup

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Under the articles of association of the club, you have no rights as a member to see any company documents, but it would be nice to see the report, I agree.


(point 57 - no member shall (as such) have any right of inspecting any accounting records, or other book or document of the company, except as conferred by statute or authorised by the directors)




My ... Preciousss!

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IP addresses are logged by your ISP - this is a legal requirement so even if you have a dynamic ip address it is still traceable. If you use an anonymising proxy for posting then surely the libellous material is traced back to the anonymising proxy, not blatchat, so again, no problem. I am really concerned that our beloved blatchat is about to be ruined for lack of technical nouse... someone tell me why my idea above is a bad one...
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I've just set up a remotely hosted free forum for our sailing club at InvisionFree. Easy to set up, customisable and don't have to worry about paying the web host for our main site the extra to host MySQL etc. And it's physically hosted in the US, which I believe is helpful on the legal front.


see InvisionFree here


Se7en's - the most fun you can have with clothes on Barbarella here

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have you ever tried to serve a US based anonymising proxy web site with a writ to demand that they give up this information? As I don't have the technical nous, may be you can enlighten me? Additionally, how long do you think that this would take, and how much would it cost?


If BC went members only, identifiying a miscreant would be a lot simpler.

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as I understand UK libel law, the offence takes place where the defamation is read, not where the site is hosted, so if you think that you are protecting yourself, you may be mistaken.


Furthermore, the invision board may be free, but if the reputed figure of 20GB monthly traffic that this site generates is correct, this would probably have most hosts sending out bills, throttling the bandwidth, or just closing it down for long periods.

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Not saying at all that it's a solution for Blatchat, but it may be for other lighter weight forum uses that folk were asking about.


InvisionFree TOS makes it clear that the person who posts is responsible, not the host.


Fletch - if u read this, LF has arrived.



Se7en's - the most fun you can have with clothes on Barbarella here

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Easy tiger! If it came across that I was saying we DON'T have the technical nouse, that was not intended. What I was trying to do is make sure that we have answered all of these question correctly. Working in IT as I do (and I assume by the offence you've taken that you do too) it is always wise to clear these questions up first as they don't always occur to people outside the field whereas those inside take them for granted.


Of course you are right that having a reliable list of members is the quickest way to provide accountablility, however, what would happen if we were to say to the offended party in one of these cases "it came from this IP address which is an anonymising proxy, you deal with it" - have we fulfilled our part of the legal obligation, in as much as we have audited as much as possible precisely where the connection came from? In a legal sense does this take the pressure off us? I don't know the answer to that and for all I know that's the point that the directors got to in their investigations and their legal advice told them that in this situation they would still be liable...

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Hmmm lots of people getting very hung up on this.

Personally I couldn't give a monkeys, and I'm a non-member, so won't be able to post if this change comes about. But it's really not a problem, I'll still be able to read if I want to, and if i can't contribute... well, whose loss is that? It ain't mine.





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Another Tuppence from me


IP spoofing is already a BIG problem for the ISP's trying to trace virus writers and spam senders.


Libel lawyers will just kick the publisher, if they can't get to the writer.


Just the THREAT of a POSSIBILITY of a law suit would have most forum "owners" crapping themselves.


They're on the way to closing down the internet now!


And now you'd better believe us... We're gonna win the cup

See Barbarella here...

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