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Lydden ....


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Well another fun day at Lydden today, it started of very very wet but managed to dry out by the final timed run.


Unfortuantly I didn't get to to complete my timed run as the my car died after the first timed run, lots of loud clunking from back of the car became a horrednous drive line vibration just as I exited the last corner on my first timed lap, I made the finish line but that was it for the day. Still I managed 3rd in class just beaten by Rob Margel and Adrian.


Well done to Brodie for a stunning final time!!




Rob G


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yep - it is was most dissapointing to have that much rain early on, kind of spolied the fun. But in the end it dried up totally 😬


Luckily although there where spinners in the wet, there was no serious damage to any of the 7's *thumbup*


Congrats to adrian on his class 3 win *thumbup*


one day I will win something, that is 5 second places and a third in 7 events 😳


hope everyone got back ok *thumbup*


rob *thumbup*


PS robg - I have your battery master switch let me know if you need it and I will drop it in the post *thumbup*

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Hi All


Well practice was wet and misty the track very wet. ☹️

Stopped raining for the first time run the track was..... err mostly wet

However the second times run was near dry but oh yes wet on the more difficult corners especially Pilgrims, Devils Elbow and to a lesser degree Paddock bend.


So how did I do well last in group 5 as predicted but fourth in class... This will be proberly a one off achievement from me.


As to the runs well the timings on the start and half way between Devils Elbow and North Bend. Its 3 cars on the track at any one time. I have Bacon Butty behind me...


Well practice I managed as far as Pilgrims then the car desided it was bored and went for a walk.. No excuses I should not have full shut my helmet as by Canterbury straight it had misted up. Hand off the wheel open visor err oh the backs gone... great nearly stopped front nose running parallel to the Armco ah a touch Bu88er it. All stopped Bilbo fails to find reverse... Long stop.... then its back to the pits.


First timed run yes back out again same place... and again on the devils Elbow.... Yes check Mirror, Bacon Butty fast approaching... I record 114.14 he is pushing 92 seconds and gets another run... as I am holding him up.


Failing to negotiate any cash to let him get an extra run Third run, BB went before me... ,at least I know what the track looks like now and manage a humble 101.91. Well at least I stayed in front of the driver behind but I rather think they left a longer gap....


So need new number plate the MY 😬 nose is sore and has spit on the right hand side. Literally it touched by an inch.


Well I found little traction on the first bit of the practice run, second run better... third well fine. Having run off the old petrol the big flames out of the exhaust stopped.


Did I have a nice day YES even managed most of the run home hatless and in sunglasses.


Times well 76.38 Brodie and 77.45 Jeremy Clark then the rest range mid 80's to low 90's and a few pushing my time.


I do not have the full list and others will have tales to tell.


Will I be back OH YES is a great venue and will be looking for a lot quicker time.


Oh if you have looked at the Video on the list the tracks a lot smaller than I thought....


Oh one other thing the wife went to an event for the first time and now at least I can convince her the car needs a new nice shiny nose to go with the new shiny roll bar.... the car gets newer every day. 😬


I have to say Tunbridge Wells Motor Club is amazingly well organised the day despite the spins and offs finished on time. Thanks to them for letting us play.... long may it continue. *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


Edited by - Bilbo as he was fourth not third in class ☹️


Edited by - Bilbo on 5 Apr 2004 20:41:40

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Hi Rob


Nice to see you again.... hope drive line vibration its not too serious.. Oh I fixed the brake light it just needed a new bulb thanks for telling me. *thumbup* It must have blown on the way down.


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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Went down to Lydden today to spectate as car not yet fully sorted & had a good wander right round the circuit.

Well done to all--special mentions go to:( no particular order)

-The bike engined 7s-loads of revs and quick with it.

-Mike S for genuine enthusiasm and 2 spins on one lap.

-Rob Grigsby for keeping it on full noise around the far bend whilst sideways whilst doing overtime at the wheel. Car sounded great too.

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My special congratulations go to Adrian for his win in class 3 *thumbup* Nice one.


As for my sad little debacle, a good practice run was followed by a too pedestrian banker lap and then a stuck throttle cable on the 2nd run as I hurtled into the devils elbow. I did the underwear check when I got home (as suggested by Andy N 😬) and they stayed clean, but only just. That banking seems awfully close when you are on the brakes and the car is still pulling like a train.


The good news is that the engine starts and runs OK, so I guess that means its brief spell of over 8000 rpm when I dipped the clutch hasn't broken anything. Any checks you guys think I should do???


See you at Llandow *thumbup*

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Good news Steve - on the engine and underwear front 😬. I know you'll do so anyway, but get the throttle return springs looked at before Llandow!! Other than that I guess it's a case of making sure there are no leaks or unusual noises 🤔. I'm sure a X-Flow expert will be along shortly to advise.


Apart from the weather Lydden was a very enjoyable day. Good to see you all again. Roll on Llandow......


Finally, I will admit to driving away from the circuit with the hood on the Seven 😳, despite the "advice" from the Kippers! I admit it, i'm a wuss, but it P'd it down on the way home so at least I stayed a dry wuss 😬


Andy Nicholls


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You guys might be pleased to hear you got the best of the weather for your final run. I stayed the afternoon to watch the racing and the weather got worse again with a couple of quite heavy down pours. Made the racing quite interesting with a few spinners.


I also enjoyed watching the Sprints and saying hello to a few of you. Plan to give it ago myself once I have got a few more trackdays under my belt.


Alan and his Yellow and Green BDR.


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I forgot to pick up a final time sheet but I believe that Andy Nichol was first (in an 1800 K - who agreed to that rule change *wink*) Mark Durrant second and Graham Howard third. I am sure BB will post the final results very shortly.


It was nice to be back at a club event again, seeing a lot of the old faces and meeting some new ones. The weather didn't help but at least we got the final run in the dry. It 's such a shame that it's all over by midday.


Anyway, congrats to Andy (and to Kipper Jnr who took Class 1 honours *thumbup*). By the way Andy, I drove home with the roof off and only got very sightly wet


Thanks as usual to BB for the organisation - see you all at Llandow 😬




Fun is not a straight line.

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Hi guys - did anyone take any video footage at Lydden? Sounds like there were some interesting moments!


It was the one round of the sprints where I didn't have anyone lined up to donate some film for inclusion in the club review of 2004 DVD. If anyone has any and is willing to lend me a tape for a couple of days please drop me a line at nickaddison@btopenworld.com


Got some good stuff from Dave's Llandow shakedown day....


Cheers *thumbup*


Scream if you wanna go faster!

Caterham FireBlade NJA509

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