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MAD shindig


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is there a shindig type thingymajig at the ring o bells tomorrow or am I stupid?, actually I am stupid but thats another story which I've forgotten at the moment, again, probably, who are you?, where am I?, whats that smell?


out of interest I had my car serviced yesterday, which was nice, and I bought a new rope, and some nuts, more properly stoppers and a couple of slings, which I got in trouble about off keelie, who's my wife and not the dog, who's called ariadne or 'arry' or 'arry the boo' and she's even more stupid than me, the dog that is not keelie, who's quite clever, got all her own teeth and everything, keelie that is not the dog, mind you the dogs not got anyone elses teeth as far as I know, so I suppose they are a bit similar in that respect, the cat, the white one who's name escapes me at the moment, hasn't got any front teeth at the bottom though, unlike the children who's teeth come and go at the moment, there one day gone the next, sometimes they come back again, whats the world coming to? it wasn't like that when I was a lad, one set of teeth and that was it, you lost em and you didn't get any more


I am collecting the teeth that I keep finding round the house, under the pillows, by the washing machine, in the garden, in the dogs mouth and stuff, I'm going to make jewellry out of them, or really small candle holders - havn't decided yet.


anyway lentils for tea woo hoo, cant wait, better than grass I suppose, or mud, or really small stones passing themselves off as peas


Buda - warlord of tea and the ghengis khan of smoking, the almighty fondler of chickens and the emporer ming of cake.


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no, thanks for the offer though, probably be coming straight from work so I'll come in the leon, anyway your boots not big enough to fit my vast collection of teeth in.


drove past your house this afternoon, about 2 ish, can I claim a spotted?


see you tomorrow



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Brummmmm brummmmm braaa WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa!!!!




.....BLAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalbimmmmmmblimmmmmPOPmmmmBANGmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... stop.


I'm here!!!!! Wheres the shindigging? Fancy a run out before *confused*



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OK, off again !!!


Brummmmm brummmmm braaa WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa!!!!











Edited by - Badger Bill on 31 Mar 2004 10:37:17

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Not sure, I'm on the road at lunch so I'll look out for a yin ding a ding, amongst the blim lim a limmin 😬 *thumbup*


I have found out that I have a rev limiter (and no, not the wife) when passing a merc coupe a few

days back *eek* 😳 Sounds odd cutting out 'cause I never realised that I haven't had it past 12000rpm before *eek* *eek* *eek*




Edited by - Badger Bill on 31 Mar 2004 10:36:58

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I went looking for the rin ding a ding dings on the way home, but couldn't find any. Did I leave them at the pub?


If someone picked up some rin ding a ding dings, can they pass them to their rightful owner, please?


Quick kids, to the beer mountain.


Biggles of Badger 274 Sqdn.

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BB we have your ringa dings at our place *wink*


I think they fell off the back of your ickle car 😳


We'll look after them for you until you need them 😬



it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

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Cheers 😬 *thumbup*


Little car now on ramps with sump plug out, exhaust off, and exhaust mounting bracket in bits on the kitchen table ☹️ *thumbdown* Shall be getting it back on the road with (hopefully) a quieter silencer for the weekend!


Woo hoo! 😬 *thumbup*



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