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Sorry Barry (Mr Headmaster Sir) ☹️


But you DID give us a bloody good run for our money *eek*


That little number 7 is something special [! ]


Is it "Hulme"? You'll do well to hang onto him ! 😳


Millwall to beat Tranmere, DONE Now to beat Sunderland in Semis and then beat 🙆🏻nal in The Final

See Barbarella here...

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😬 😬 😬


(I watched red dwarf series II last night whilst sorting out my CDs (loads of pooter ones many of which went in the bin) and paperwork (18 months of bank statements and insurance stuff) and it has the episode with the parallel universe red dwarf ship where all the creq are opposite. And after Lister has a night in bed with the female lister they have to see if he's pregnant (see EVERYTHING is opposite). And the pregnancy test kit they use goes red for pregnant, blue for not. So Rimmer is watching the thing develop and shouting "Come on you REDS!!!" *smile* *smile*


well - it was a long story but worth it in the end I think *smile*


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R

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