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It seems that my little Pat-ette (aged 5) got a lollipop stuck in her hair.


Her solution: Get some scissors and chop the offending bits off *eek*


She is now missing a sizeable chunk of hair on the top of her head *eek* *eek* *eek*



Oh, and Mrs Pat has just been to see the midwife - we think baby is due in 3 weeks, based on size the midwife reckons 1 week *eek* *eek*


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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strangely Em's kids always went utterly mental if they got dirty at all - even a drop of water on their trousers and they'd take them off rather than wear wet clothes. very strange...


happy to breakfast cereal all over the floor of course...



Good luck with the new shedders you've both got on the way *smile*


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R

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naPP - 1 week'd be good, plenty of time to get life back to normal for Anglesey - and Mrs GTD's offer to look after one or two small naPP-ettes for you on the day if you brought them with you still stands!


I took the scissors to one of the cat's tails after it got tangled around a lump of vegitation and Mrs GTD was very cross with me, *mad*, for the slightly odd looking tail he was left with!




G 4 Geoff


New Guinness colour scheme here

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Our biggest cat is well over a stone in weight - I'll pay good jelly beans to any shedder who slaps wax all over Charlie and tries to pull it off.


I still shudder when I remember "Worming Tablet Sunday"


*eek* *eek* *eek*


G 4 Geoff


New Guinness colour scheme here

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I refer my honorable colleague to the reply I gave earlier - Charlie, Immac *eek* Yikes!


Agreed on the lack of annoyingness of the young Patette at the Birkett last year! Mind you, with a Sinead O'Connor cut in 2004, who knows? 😬


G 4 Geoff


New Guinness colour scheme here

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GTD - It works like this.


1.Put a bowl of cat food in the shower.


2.Place a tunnel made of, say, polythene garden cloches just bigger than the aforementioned cat leading up to a small opening in the shower screen (nb you need a glass screen - curtains won't do, as you will see).


3.Smear the inside of the cloches with liberal amounts of Immac (or Veet, as I believe the girly population now has to refer to it).


4.Cat will pass down the improvised tunnel in search of cat food and become smeared with depilatory gunk.


5.Wait for the regulation effective period while cat eats cat food.


6.After the depilatory gunk has had time to work its magic, turn the shower on full blast and whip the shower screen shut.


7.Cat will throw itself around hysterically in the shower but will, in due course, be rendered hairless.


8. Wait until cat is exhausted by its attempts to escape before opening door and shutting off the shower.


9. Run like £*%@, just in case. Better still, go on holiday for a few weeks. Without the cat, obviously.


Easy peasy.

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That is all very scarey - luckily I am out this evening (watching West Ham get beaten by Crewe, no doubt *mad* 🙆🏻 *mad*)


So I'll ask Mrs GTD to give it a go and see if your theories work!


I am guessing that I'll be safe to get home in a year or two - this could be enough to get the five cats united in some kind of mutiny. I'm a bit worried about them turning on Mrs GTD tonight and forcing her through the Immac tube together!


Mind you, might be preferable to watching the Hammers lose again! 😬


G 4 Geoff


New Guinness colour scheme here

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I am guessing that I'll be safe to get home in a year or two


Self-defeating, I'm afraid. their hair will have grown back by then (unless they like the hard, skinhead look and continue to maintain it themselves - then you need to be very afraid).


Danny - Do this to children? Are you some sort of SICKO?


Actually, you'd need to exchange the cat food for a McDonalds Happy Meal with a crappy plastic toy and change the cloches for one of those ELC play tunnels that springs into shape. Then it'd work. 😬

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Be carefull you could end up with the picture below:-


Cat lovers don't go here


It is clean, honest. (After a minor mistake in google, where I should have put shaved cat not ..... *eek*


And that was after the kit kat saga....



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Geoff - I'm not sure what you were thinking off!!!! 😬


Gobu ( *confused*) broke her tail at the base and had it amputated... I'm sure KayCee can tell you about her shaved cat (resists using pussy again!)






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