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UTTER PISH! (sorry)


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Sorry ladies about the bad language, but I'm in a right strop..... *mad*



Just spent vast amounts of cash on my house (hence no 7 at the mo *thumbdown*)


- extension, various redecorations, and new dogs danglies hardwood flooring throughout the downstairs hall, front porch, lounge.


My wife phoned my work this morning, rather distressed - she came home to find that due to blocked drain somewhere, the kitchen & downstairs toilet sinks have filled up & overflown with waste crap *mad*


My bonnie hallway flooring has swollen up and is now buckling........


...and my house stinks o' sh1t..... *mad*


Oh, how I am looking forward to getting home tonight (not)




Ross and The Doors

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poor fellow!

If I had more time I could tell you my tale of woe (or woefull tale) to try to make you feel better. But you'll be mopping up stinky bloke-egg mess ☹️ *thumbdown* 🙆🏻


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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Thanks all *thumbup*


Tam, no drinkin fer moi just now (turned down the cance of a few last nite 😳), because I feel absolutely cruddy today, all aches & pains & a stinkin headcold, coughin & snifflin galore.

Dependin on how I feel later, might head home early for a lie down & some benelyn 4 flu, cos I got to be in tomorro as BP are comin to do a Safety Awareness Audit which should be fun ☹️


Ross and The Doors

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Talking of which....


Did any LOG regulars watch last nights episode - we thought it was a repeat and only turned on for the last ten minutes... Don't want to miss it if it's a new series (the date tag was 2003 at the end of the prog)...


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Thanks for your kind comments, Paul 😬


Feeling a bit better today, didn't watch LOG last nite, but the prog about Holly Wells & her parents.


Bloody hell, the tears were rollin down ma face ☹️


(Sorry about that serious moment folks)


Ross and The Doors

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