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Vogon SuperTrooper

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Okay, so I was supposed to have sold the car. But owing to a number of difficulties in the sales process, namely:


1. Urgent arm-cramp when faced with returning phone inquiries

2. Numeric amnesia, specifically of numbers starting 07... 02... or 01. (Oddly, 09 numbers aren't, thankfully, affected).

3. Shakey Head Tut Tut Syndrome: in which regular drivers shake their heads and murmer stuff like; 'ooooh you'll never buy another you know' or 'me hernia's causing me farting reet bad'. The one I liked best was the the unsubtle yet effective; 'So you're selling out are you? [Very Long Pause] Who was that Chalres guy anyway....?'


To the point.


I changed an alternator myself - yes, really - and damn proud I was too. Except I think I put in a wrong 'un. It's a Bosch instead of a Ford (XR3 mk 2?). You see, I 've got a bit of wire left over and it sparks quite a lot when it touches the chassis. Costas Disgustingdigitopolous, the guy off whom I bought it (his gold tooth glinted, I swear, as I handed over the loot) seemed to think that this bosch number would work. But I don't think so.


Which alternator for an old Kent Xflow should I be using. And where can I get some moderately priced HT leads? And what's the best deal I could get on a 4 to 1 Caterham comp exhaust?


Thanks, and welcome back to me, if I may be so bold.



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The alternator originally fitted to mine was a Valeo. This is the only one that uses all 4 wires! I have since used an Italian make provided by Caterham cars with only three terminals and the 4th wires was insulated and taped back.


However, if you ask a motor factor for a Valeo alternator on exchange basis for almost any Ford of the era, then you should be OK. Mine had all sorts on the listing on the box from Capris, Granadas, Escorts, Cortinas. I guess that they all used a common alternator.


If you want I can get the full list. Mine was a brand new alternator (not exchange) as that was the part number supplied by Caterham Cars. But I am sure that it can be bought exchange.


My HT leads came fro Caterham during the last rebuild - and I am not sure if a set can be picked up complete off the shlef as the lead to the coil may not be a standard length.


Low tech luddite - xflow and proud!

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Who be Peter T? And thanks, btw, for your replies.

If I leave my number here will someone call?


07814 078050


ps. oddly, my car is running very well on Optimax (thank you Roger K). In fact, as I pull in to a gas station, the first thing the car says is 'watch that black nozzle now boyo.'




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