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Sprint @ Hethel - Sunday 16th May

Silver 21

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We have been invited to a sprint at Hethel (Lotus Cars Test Facility) on the above date which is the day after Curborough and the day of the marshalls sprint.


I have no intention of adding it to the championship calendar but if people are interested I can let the organisers know there is interest, can we have a show of hands of people who might be interested.




Competition Secretary

*cool* How many events for 2004?????? (It looks like 9) *cool*

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Yes, I just got notification this morning too by post that this event is back on (it had been temporarily killed off by the venue owners I understand, but pressure from the event organisers was successful by the looks of things).


It's an event worth doing and one I'm very pleased to see back on the calendar (there's another there in August too).


I did C'boro and Hethel in the same weekend last year. Long weekend but well worth it, Hethel is an excellent sprint venue.


I can't afford the time / money to do as many sprints as I'd like this year but I'll probably be going for the "double header" that weekend this year. 😬


Please support if you can to make the organiser's efforts all the more worthwhile.





NN 😳

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If we truly do Curboro backwards there's not much stopping distance aftre the finish (i.e. start) line 😬


Gordy, Hethel Regs not out yet, give it another month or so. See www.aemc.org.uk for the organising club. You can contact them and ask them to put you on the list.


Graham, you planning on coming along then?




NN 😳

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Hethel was to be round 1 of both group 1 and group 2 of this years Academy. That's guaranteed 50 entries. Then it was cancelled and now the Academy are doing an event at Aintree in late April instead. Guess they won't be swopping back after being messed about like this.
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NN not sure, depends on a few things and also if I do Curb. I am not competing seriously in the local championships this year but I will do a few events to keep my hand in. Car is in bits at the mo, but new Freestyle springs and dampers are nearly on, and a few other jobs including the head restraint are 'work in progress' so I need to give them all a try and Hethel is a super place to try all the cars parameters. Won't be at first Debden though in May (My fave sprint) due to a holiday to celebrate that my health is better than its been for the last 8 months.




Edited by - Graham Perry on 17 Feb 2004 19:34:10

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Hi Bacon Butty


I am up for it if there still any places missed this post first time around 🤔


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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