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scooby dooby doo

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In my accident back in April 2002 another car was involved. In December last year they sent a letter asking for my insurers to contact them to sort it out.


A few questions:


1) It was over 18 months from incident to claim - is this too long 🤔

2) I've changed insurers since then - who do I contact about it - the new ones or the insurers at the time 🤔


HOOPY R706KGU Hoopylight R


Edited by - hoopy on 4 Feb 2004 20:56:02

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There may be a time limit on a claim, is this the first contact the third-party have made? And why have they contacted you personally and not your insurer (dealing with the claim)?

I'd have thought the claim would be against your policy at the time, so speak to your previous insurer in the first instance. I'd be very surprised if your current insurer would even look at it.


Note: these are the opinions of the author and may not represent the views of the employer etcblahblahblah.





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It took about a year for Sussex Ambulance Service to take me to court over a collision after the police cleared me of blame. By this time the car was insured with another company.


Send a copy of the letter to your previous insurance company. Don't the claimant or their solicitor yourself.




Edited by - Peardrop on 4 Feb 2004 22:53:36

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As regards the time limit, you are talking about the statute of limitations, which if I can remember what I learnt at uni correctly is 3 years for personal injury and 5 years for everything else...i.e. they are well within the time limit.


Speak to the people who were insuring you at the time, they are the ones who need to deal with this and should be able to give you any further information you need.


As Moom and Peardrop point out, this is definitely one for the insurers to sort out...don't contact them yourself, this is what you pay your premium for, let the insurance companies argue it out between them.




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I'm due to remove my socks any day now for their annual clean, I was too busy at Christmas/New Year to do it then so I'll wait for leap day.


If you are lucky I may sweep out my special pants too



This week I have mostly been eating trees *confused*


Supercheese R250

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Snail shells. They seem to last forever. I'm thinking of putting all my worldly possessions into a snail shell and I'm goin to put it under a fertiliser bag somewhere so I can rediscover it in a few years and have a happy time *confused* *confused*


savin up to be eccentric. but for now, i'll just be stupid...

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Hoopy, is this one of those personal injury accident soliticib *mad*st *mad*rds ? Sharon had one of these about 6 months after she ran into someone, and all we did was pass it on to the insurer.


I agree with Rachel, I'd pass it on to the insurer you were with at the time, not your current one.



Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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And anyway, I don't see how it can affect your claims history - after all, it was a single event - insurers don't ask how many individual claimants have pursued you over the last five years - just how many events you've had...


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