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Question for those with Powerspeed exhaust


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Had a Powerspeed 4-2-1 exhaust fitted last November. There is a very noticeable 'tinny' reverberation when I lift off the throttle after heavy acceleration. Is this common for this type of exhaust or is it likely that mine has a production fault? Feedback would be appreciated?
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Yes, I didn't even look there to start with, i rang Dave and ordered some new exhaust packing (£15 delivered, not £70+vat as Caterham want *mad*) took it all apart repacked it (it didn't really require it) then cut my hand on the corner of the plug, then realised it was loose *idea* 😳, so put it all back together and the rest is history.....all ok! *thumbup*


Other than that there is nothing to go wrong *confused*





Superlight No.171

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I have the same issue. (Didn’t even think about the blanking plug) I spoke to Dave, he suggested that the perforated tube that runs through silencer could be a loose fit on the inside end of the exit pipe. Take off the end cap and ‘pinch’ the perforated tube to a shape that will ‘grip’ the exit pipe. Refit and Bob’s your uncle.


PS I haven’t actually been 🙆🏻ed to do this yet 😬


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I have the same problem with mine and it’s really getting on my tits! It sounds like a bloody dump valve! *mad* I’ve tried the lambda plug – wasn’t that, taken the can off – that all seemed ok, put some silicone on the join between the pipes just before the 4 into 2 bit – wasn’t that. I reckon it could be primaries rubbing slightly – so I was thinking about getting a big jubilee clip around two of them and clamping them together, just to see if that is the cause of the problem. Then, if it is that I thought I could get a bridging piece welded in??


Dave ☹️

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Mine does exactly the same but it's never bothered me, I've got the engine in bits at the moment so will check the packing and as Martin says if its only £15 for a refill I'll do that as well.


Phil S7 SVN

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Had exactly the same issue with mine. I had made my own plug from a steel bolt, with a square section for spanned to do it up. When it was hot, it sizzled slightly, when I checked it (COLD) it was tight again. Suggest you do it up with some silicon sealant or possible small dab of exhaust saeler.





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I removed and re-fitted the lambda blanking plug with loads of silicone at the weekend and that made no difference. ☹️ I also clamped the primaries together with a large jubilee clip and that made no difference either. ☹️ So I guess the next thing to check is the perforated tube inside the silencer, I’ll let you know how I get on.


Dave *smile*


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Grim


No, I haven’t had a chance to look at the exhaust yet. I’ve got to try and persuade a roll cage to fit this weekend *eek* Hopefully I’ll get a chance the following weekend to look at the exhaust. I’ll post it on here as soon as I have. *thumbup*


Dave *smile*


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  • 2 weeks later...

I took the end of the silencer off last night. Inside there’s a perforated tube which slides into a larger diameter short tube, which goes directly to the exhaust outlet. This joint, I guess, could vibrate and cause the noise 🤔 So I put some (high temperature) silicone onto the joint to see if that cures it. Not had the chance to test it yet though, but as long as there’s not too much snow or salt on the roads this weekend, I’ll take it for a blat.


Dave *thumbup*

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Just started the car this evening and the noise is still there ☹️ I’m going to get in touch with Dave at Powerspeed to see if he has any ideas.


Dino: I’m very happy with the build quality and welding (and the increase in performance 😬), Its just this bloody rattle that’s annoying me. *confused*



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I too took the plunge, removed the end peice and sealed the pipe end with gasket goo, and again, it made no difference.

I am now thinking that it's the two pipes vibrating against each other where they run side by side (the 2 bit in 4-2-1)

I was going to try some gasket goo between these 2 pipes (there is a very thin gap between them) to see if I could make any progress, the only thing is once it's done I fear I would not be able to remove it again if it didn't work.

Let us know what Powerspeed say will you?

I have heard that SS pipes have some strange and sometimes unwanted noise problems as a trade off for their longevity.


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Tom, will do *thumbup*


Grim: That’s where it sounds like the noise is coming from, but I’ve wedged a big screwdriver in there, levered it apart and revved it and it still does it *confused*


I suppose that it could be a problem with using stainless steel, but that’s no excuse really. There’s a lot of exhausts out there made from stainless steel and they’re ok.


I’ll let you know what Powerspeed says. *thumbup*




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I had a similar noise when I first fitted my Powerspeed exhaust but this is now largely gone since the exhaust had to be be removed (to get the engine out) and was subsequently refitted by Ratrace.


I suspect the noise is caused by the primaries vibrating together but interested to see what Powerspeed say.


Overall I'm very pleased with the exhaust but this is clearly a common problem and it would be nice to have a solution.

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I've had this with my powerspeed exhaust - it was the lambda sensor working loose - even though it feels tight. The problem is that the sensor is £100 and not made of very strong stuff so I was worried about stripping the thread - particularly as when I removed mine it already had a stripped thread from whoever last fitted it *mad*

Solution was exhaust sealing paste on the thread and refitting the sensor - then let the paste cook at idle...It's now fine.

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