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Stupid child

Nick Woods

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I had a phone call from sharon late yesterday afternoon - 'Alex (our almost 4-year old) has stuffed a sweet up his nose and it wont come out, what do I do ??'


Gaaaahhh *mad* talk about picking the worst day possible to do it on as well (Adam has swimming

lessons on Monday after school)


It was one of those compressed sugar sort of sweets (like the twizzle 2 colour lollies) but from a necklace so it had a hole in the middle. Its still pretty big to shove up his nose though *eek*


It all ended ok though- by the time the doctor saw him (quote from doc "hello, I see loads of these") it had more or less dissolved and he's fine now. He has a cold so it obviously helped the dissolving process (yuuuukkk)


Done anyone else have any silly kids stories ?



Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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When I was a kid I persuaded my brother to put a solid piece of soap up his nose (it seemed like a good idea at the time, OK?); he was only 4 or so. Inevitably the soap got stuck. Mum & Dad rushed him off to casualty, where the bemused doctor first suggested trying to extricate the soap with a crochet hook ( *confused*) and then came up with the *idea* idea of turning baby bro' upside down, and pouring warm water up his nose! Just as this torture was about to take place, my bother sneezed and the piece of soap shot out of his nose and across casualty. Needless to say, I wasn't very popular...


...I could go on to tell you about the time I locked my mum in the toilet & the neighbour had to come and take the door off to get her out...


...or the one where my youngest brother ate paint and drank bleach (also my fault apparently)...


...or the one where I left some loose change lying around, and youngest brother aged 14th months swallowed a half penny (guess who had to help mum search his nappies for the missing money)...


...think I'd better stop now before you get the wrong idea about me. 😬

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Just last sunday, my 2.5 yr old son drank a bottle of that bubble stuff what you dip the ring thing in and blow to make bubbles *eek*


Pukin up all over the carpet, swift call to A&E, to be told he'd be OK, just get him to drink water....



Gave us a right scare 😳


Ross and The Doors

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... in the privacy of your home, one trusts *wink* After all the upstairs discussions on certain phobias and Mrs GTD's propensity for being a juvenile disruptive, I'm concerned for the wellbeing of the younger Shedders *tongue*


FH *cool*

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After that little lot I'm a bit concerned to be on my own with Mts GTD - sounds very dangerous to me! *eek*


If anything happens to me - you're witnesses to the danger!


G 4 Geoff


Edited by - GTD on 3 Feb 2004 13:30:45

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My son has done a few corkers.


- One was taking a big bite out of a bar of soap in the bath, aged about 15 months. I turned around to see a perfect "Tom & Jerry" style bite mark out of the soap, and Mikey blowing bubbles, looking confused.


- Another was the peas-up-the-nose incident. Sitting in his high chair, at about the same age, I noticed a green presence in one of his nostrils. I went to get a tissue, as you would. On blowing, it turned out to be a pea. Then another. And another. After resorting to cotton buds, we discovered the remains of about eight of them up there, clearly rammed in one after the other.


- I think we already covered the "It's a rusty old car made of scrap metal" incident. *mad*


- A piece of stupidity of my own was to return home from work and pick him up and swing him into the air over my head. After he had just eaten. He vomited straight into my open mouth as I talked to him. Mrs M had to go and hide while she laughed. Our maid (we lived in Singapore at the time) nearly exploded trying not to. At least he didn't get any on the rug...


My daughter, by contrast, has only really disgraced herself once. It wasn't stupid, just poor timing. Flying back from our holidays, I went to change her nappy in the loo on the plane. I picked her up. put her over my shoulder and turned to get a clean nappy and wipes out of the bag on my seat. I heard a little grunting noise. I realised that my back was a little damp. I turned around tand the full horror of what she had done greeted me. She had thrown up a gutful of milk all over a French businessman sitting in the row in front of me. As he stood up, I was greeted by the vision which will live with me forever of a man covered in baby sick, with puke dripping off his glasses. He was fantastically good hearted - far better than I would have been - and a real gent. Rachel, however, was in the doghouse.

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Not me, I've never done anything like that *eek* 😬


I do seem to recall being in trouble for persuading my brother to throw one of his heavy wooden building bricks at the massive window we had in our dining room...boy was I in trouble when it broke *eek* (the window not the block *tongue* ).




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My parents are fine upstanding members of the community who have a very poor view of foul language, so imagine the surprise on my mother's face when I told an assistant in Boots to f *** off 😳 at a time when that language was not common in public and that was in 1964 *eek*.....


.....and yes I was he child who succeeded in pulling the corner packet of tea from the bottom of a pyramid display and brought the whole lot crashing down in the grocers (boxes of tea bags and supermarkets hadn't yet been invented) 😬


Chris Alston

www.C7CAT.com *cool* 1800 Supersprint

Drive it like you stole it! 😬 *thumbup*


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I've got two....both were me....


the first one when I was about 5-ish...I drank half a bottle of Dimotapp (childs cough medicine in the 70's) and ended up being rushed to hospital A&E by mum and dad. Shouldn't make medicine taste nice should they!! To this day I protest that I only drank about a quarter of an inch worth...but my sister (three years older...who I don't believe) said it was half a bottle!



and...the other was science gone wrong followed by stupidity when I was about 10....wanted a day off school...put the mercury thermometer in some tea...wasn't hot enough went to the kettle and put it in the steam....oh looks thats going up quick...bang...the bulb exploded...little balls of mercury and glass in the kettle and on the work surface...here comes mum...puts thermometer back in mouth...sharp edges...emptying mercury...the lot *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek*...mother had fit and I ended up eating cotton wool sandwiches (!!!) to soak up the mercury on the instructions of the GP....didn't end up in hospital....but it may explain why I am somewhat deranged.....


PP will vouch for that!!! 😬 😬




Caterham 21 1.8K 😬 😬

(K8 XTC formerly R351 BMX) 😬


Edited by - Ballast on 3 Feb 2004 16:46:23

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I thought it was a clever idea at the time *idea*....just went that bit too far...why have a temperature of 99 when it can be 103!!!!


With my mum you had to be at death's door before you got a day off!!...I just took that a bit literally!! *confused*






Caterham 21 1.8K 😬 😬

(K8 XTC formerly R351 BMX) 😬

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When I was ill the first week, Alex insisted on taking my temperature about every 10 minutes and I just wanted to be left alone...I have to admit to feeling tempted to put the thermometer in my hot drink 😬 *tongue* *wink* I didn't though and my temperature of 105 was entirely natural ☹️




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and the only reason I was taking Rach's temp every 10 mins was so I could plot her temp variations on a nice Excel chart ... and this is the thanks I get *wink*


105 C is quite excessive. I put an egg in her mouth and let her sit there for 3 min .... perfect boiled egg it was too .....





1.8K Viper Blue and Black


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