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Oooooh... got to be careful about what I write, she stumbled across Blatchat and the Caterham Graduates site while she was searching for me (I did tell her that my address and contact details were on the web if she put in the right search words!)... she also told me I would be doing track days with Bookatrack at Rockingham and Anglesey...


Got a snog in a car park last night as we said goodbye, so I'm very happy! *tongue*



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What 😳 *eek*?!


Between Dannyboy and I 😳 I Finknottle!


Oh, Lee and his cute stalker *wink* Right.


I knew a John Stalker once, nice chap. Always paid his round at the bar. Nice chap. Anyone fancy some roller blinds *confused* 😬


Edited to say, can you tell I thought he was a nice chap?


Edited by - Badger Bill on 2 Feb 2004 16:01:43

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Ahhhhhhhhhh........ sweet sweet yoof! *biggrin*


I've got Striker no.6 (now 18 years old! We should have a party....), one of three that I know of that use the Escort front anti-rollbar! He has a 13summat Arrows x-flow and goes suprisingly well! The secretary of the Slanty Screen Register took him for a spin and was convinced it was a 1600 until he saw the number on the block.... *smile*


It might get a bike engine sometime soon though.... (probly an R1 as I can get a new one with all the bits filthy cheap) 😬 😬 😬 *thumbup*


Jam. Just Jam, and a carrot.

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you know the one with the front ARB up in Manchester... Green back, yellow front...


It don't have a front arb anymore! 😳


That must leave you and DP then, very select.


I still have the twisted mounts and mangled poly bushes if you want them though 😬


Mine used to have a smokey cross flow too, until a mate(from whom it was purchased) saw fit to bladeify it *wink* *thumbup*

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You bought it from Andy????? I do know him, and say hellooooooooooooo from me if/when you see him! I have vigourously thrashed your car around some backlanes in Surrey!!! *smile*


If you unscrew the gear knob you'll see an allen bolt welded on to the flat-bar gear stick - that was my handywork using a mig welder which I sold to mark jackson!!!! *eek* I've got some very poor quality pics of your Striker, Bart and my mate Neils Toyota engined unit I can email to you if you like...... 🤔


And yep, DPs is the only other one I know of...... Has he lobbed a bike engine in his yet? (not seen him for 18 months or so.....)


Jam. Just Jam, and a carrot.

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But there's always email! ...and those bizarre "how well do you know me" ones!!! (edited highlights)


What was your first impression of me upon meeting?: Why does he have a steering wheel in his hand?! *biggrin*

Have you ever had a crush on me?: Maybe!!!!! xxx *smile*

Any special talents?: So far the main one I've identified was discovered whilst standing in a cold car park - cold but fun! 😳

What's your favourite memory of me?: That same car park! 😳 *tongue*

What single trait about me annoys you the most?: Mmm difficult one but so far bit of a worrying thing for zebra crossings! *eek*

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